
The Alps, Architecture and Tourism exhibition at Aedes Gallery, Berlin

Peter Zumthor, Roland Baldi,

Oskar Da Riz,


Landscape, Pavilions, Hotel, Restaurants, Ville, Sport & Wellness, Gallery, Bar,


January 31 through March 26 2015 Aedes Gallery in Berlin will host an exhibition curated by Susanne Waiz about architecture for tourism, and specifically accommodations and infrastructure in Alto Adige.

The Alps, Architecture and Tourism exhibition at Aedes Gallery, Berlin

From Merano, the exhibition The Alps, Architecture and Tourism curated by Susanne Waiz goes to Aedes Gallery in Berlin, where it will be open January 31 through March 26, 2015.

The exhibition focuses on twenty-two buildings constructed in Alto Adige: hotels, restaurants and infrastructure projects selected by curator Susanne Waiz because they meet the criteria of sustainability and provide virtuous examples of constructions built for the purposes of tourism. The projects featured in the exhibition establish a balanced dialogue with the landscape around them, underlining the specific character of their location, and are the result of close collaboration between the architect and the client.
The projects are presented to the public in three sections: two focusing on historic and modern hotel buildings and a third section about infrastructure.
The exhibition opening will feature a convention on the subject of Mountains / Architecture/ Tourism - Between South Tyrolean Alps and Tibetan Himalayas, focusing on the impact of infrastructure for tourism on landscape, economy, culture and people’s lifestyles, starting with the Alpine constructions and projects ZAO/standardarchitecture of Beijing has built in the valley of the Tibetan river Tsangpo Yarlung and in Bumthang Valley in Bhutan.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Title: Alpen Architektur Tourismus - Neue Landschaftsarchitekturen in Südtirol
Dates: January 31 – March 26 2015
Location: Aedes Gallery Berlin - Germany


Images courtesy of Meranoarte

Cabinovia Dantercepies, Selva di Val Gardena, 2013, Arch. Rudolf Perathoner, Selva di Val Gardena. Progetto preparatorio con l'Arch. Armin Kostner. Statica Studio ARDOLINO, Bolzano. Cabinovia, Leitner Ropeways, Vipiteno. Costruttore: Dantercepies spa. Foto: Günter Richard Wett
Funivia Merano 2000, 2010, Arch. Roland Baldi, Bolzano. Costruttore: Funivie Merano 2000 spa. Foto : Oskar Da Riz
Pensione Briol, Barbiano, 1898, Johanna Settari. 1928, ammodernamento, Hubert Lanzinger, Innsbruck. In programma un intervento dell'Arch. Peter Zumthor, Haldenstein (CH). Proprietaria: Johanna Fink von Klebelsberg. Foto:Rene Riller
Hotel Pupp, Bressanone, 2011, Studio di architettura Bergemeisterwolf, Arch. Christian Schwienbacher, Bressanone. Intervento artistico di Esther Stocker. Proprietari: Christian e Martin Pupp. Foto: Jürgen Eheim
La Pedevilla, Marebbe, 2013, Pedevilla Architects, Armin e Alexander Pedevilla, Brunico, Arch. Caroline Willeit, Gais. Proprietari: Armin Pedevilla e Caroline Willeit. Foto: Ludwig L. Willeit
Hotel Nives, Solda all'Ortles, 2012-13, Progetto e proprietario, Arch. Arnold Gapp, Schlanders. Foto: Jürgen Eheim
Hotel Pacherhof, Neustift/Varna, 2013, Padiglione Pacher, Studio di architettura Bergmeisterwolf, Bressanone. Proprietaria: Monika Huber. Foto: Lukas Schaller
Parkhotel Holzner, Soprabolzano/Renon,1907: Costruttori Musch & Lun, Merano. Progetto dello Studio di architettura Fratelli Ludwig, Monaco di Baviera (1911, non realizzato). Area wellness 2006-07, Arch. Ulrich Weger, Bolzano. Proprietari: Wolfgang und Monika Holzner. Foto: Rene Riller
Parcheggio della Cabinovia Siusi-Alpe di Siusi, Siusi allo Sciliar, 2013, Arch. Lukas Burgauner, Bolzano. Costruttore: Silbernagl Anton & Co. KG, Silbernagl snc, Cabinovia Siusi - Alpe di Siusi spa. Foto: Alex Filz
Area di servizio e di sosta di Lanz, Schabs, Arch. Walter Angonese con lo Studio di ingegneria Bergmeister e Partner, Foto: Günter Richard Wett
Saleghes Mountain Residence, 2010-13, Archilab Architetti - Hannes Ladstätter, Stefan Taschler e Sarah Gasparotto, Brunico. Proprietari: Ursula Sotriffer e Oskar Delazer. Foto: Marion Lafogler
Seehotel Ambach, Caldaro, 1972-73, Arch. Othmar Barth, Bressanone. Proprietario: Klaus Maran. Foto: Rene Riller
Sculture architettoniche lungo la strada del Passo Rombo, 2010, Arch. Werner Tscholl, Morter. Costruttore: Timmelsjoch Hochalpenstraßen spa, Comune di Moso in Passiria, Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano, Regione Tirolo, progetto internazionale. Foto: Alexa Rainer