
Huizhen High School: a campus that celebrates free thought

Approach Design Studio,


Huizhen High School, designed by the Approach Design Studio in collaboration with the Zhejiang University of Technology Engineering Design Group, is a campus that breaks the traditional mould of school buildings, allowing students to relax and "waste their time mindfully". The project was initially selected in the Completed Building School category of the World Architecture Festival, and went on to win the World Building of the Year title.

Huizhen High School: a campus that celebrates free thought

During the World Architecture Festival (WAF) 2023 held in Singapore from November 29 to December 1, 2023, the Huizhen High School was awarded the prestigious title of World Building of the Year. Designed by the Approach Design Studio in collaboration with the Zhejiang University of Technology Engineering Design Group, and located in the Jiangbei District in Ningbo, Zhejiang, China, the campus caught the jury's attention thanks to a bold approach to school design and an innovative vision of students' well-being.

The project focuses on efficiency, but it extends further, creating a space where time can be "spent" in a meaningful way. The architects adopted a design that blends harmoniously with the surrounding nature, characterised by classrooms suspended in an evocative "floating forest" and winding paths that connect the different learning environments. This approach not only promotes outdoor walks, but also creates spaces for reflection away from academic pressure.

Di Ma, director of the Approach Design Studio, emphasised that the project is not limited to offering a new building, but also a revisited perspective on education, creating a new school lifestyle. The goal is to provide students with a space to relax and free themselves from the daily stress imposed by the rhythms of studying. The building, with its sloping roof used as an open air classroom and rooftop garden, accessible to the public on weekends, is a new type of architectural promenade, promoting and encouraging a freer relationship between students and their educational environment.

Paul Finch, Director of the World Architecture Festival, referred to the project as "unexpected and delightful". The project also received praise from the WAF jury for its efficiency, which does not sacrifice the importance of freedom of thought, valuing the well-being of students and the connection with nature. In an architectural landscape increasingly committed to balancing innovation and well-being, the Huizhen High School becomes an example of how architecture can positively shape and influence the educational experience, creating a functional environment that also seeks to inspire students' free thinking and creativity.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Images courtesy of World Architecture Festival and v2com, credit by Approach Design Studio - Zhejiang University of Technology Engineering Design Group Co.,Ltd

Project Name: Huizhen High School
Architects: Approach Design Studio - Zhejiang University of Technology Engineering Design Group Co.,Ltd
Awards: World Building of the Year, 2023 WAF
Photo: Approach Design Studio - Zhejiang University of Technology Engineering Design Group Co.,Ltd