
Poly WeDo: music and education according to Archstudio

Archstudio, Archstudio - Han Wen-Qiang, Wang Ying, Li Yun-Tao,

Xia Zhi,

Beijing, China,


Green, Cement, Wood, Glass,

Poly WeDo is a school of music and the performing arts for children in Beijing’s Yongli shopping centre. Archstudio, the Chinese architects who designed the school, took great care with every detail, from acoustics to the natural environment.

Poly WeDo: music and education according to Archstudio

Poly WeDo is a new educational centre for developing children’s potential in music and the arts. The Chinese architects of Archstudio were asked to design the centre’s physical premises in Beijing’s Yongli shopping centre.

Archstudio and the client had several goals for the project: creating an open space connected with nature, with carefully planned acoustics and sound-absorbent properties for teaching, and encouraging interaction among students.

Poly WeDo includes a music room, classrooms for private lessons, a theatre and a rehearsal room, as well as a large, brightly lit hall. The entire space looks like an "indoor village" with plenty of timber, open spaces and plants alternating with books on the shelves all around the space. Archstudio’s idea was to bring a green landscape into the school so that students would feel close to nature even when indoors.

Francesco Cibati

Location: Chaoyang, Beijing, China
Area: 1300sqm
Type: Educational space
Year: 2016
Design: Archstudio – Han Wen-Qiang, Wang Ying, Li Yun-Tao
Photos: Xia Zhi
