
Going to exhibitions Aldo Rossi in Padua - Alvaro Siza in Siena and others

Aldo Rossi, BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group, MVRDV, Alvaro Siza, MAD Architects Ma Yansong,

Raul Betti, Rasmus Hjortshoij, Jared Chulski, Günter Richard Wett, Leonardo Scarabello,

Paris, Padua, Italy, Siena, Copenhagen, Denmark, Innsbruck, Austria,


Fiandre Architectural Surfaces, Exhibition, FAB Architectural Bureau,

The Palazzo della Ragione in Padua, Italy, is currently hosting the exhibition “Aldo Rossi e la Ragione. Architetture 1967-1997”. In Siena, at the Santa Maria della Scala museum complex, the exhibition “Álvaro Siza. Viagem Sem Programa”. In Innsbruck, “Architecture Speaks: The Language of MVRDV”. The Danish Architecture Center in Copenhagen will host an exhibition dedicated to the architect Bjarke Ingels and his architectural firm BIG.  In Paris, the Centre Pompidou currently hosts “MAD X” dedicated to 10 projects by the architect Ma Yansong. These are just some of the exhibitions scheduled for summer 2019.

Going to exhibitions Aldo Rossi in Padua - Alvaro Siza in Siena and others

Five very different exhibitions in Italy and abroad, dedicated not only to great masters in the field of architecture but also to architects and architectural firms that have only recently established themselves, five different summer holiday destinations.
At the Palazzo della Ragione in Padua, Italy, the exhibition “Aldo Rossi e la Ragione. Architetture 1967-1997” (Aldo Rossi and Reason. Architecture 1967-1997), curated by Cinzia Simioni and Alessandro Tognon with the Aldo Rossi Foundation, will be held throughout the summer until 29 September 2019. The theme of the exhibition is a selection of architectural works designed and built by the Milanese architect who, more than 20 years after his death, continues to be a key figure in the research and study of urban architecture.

The travelling project “Viagem Sem Programa” continues with a new stage of the prestigious exhibition program to be held in Italy, which reveals the more intimate and private side of one of the most renowned masters of international architecture, the Portuguese architect Álvaro Siza.
The exhibition, which in summer 2017 was presented at the FAB Fiandre Architectural Bureau in Castellarano, is now being hosted at the Santa Maria della Scala museum complex in Siena. The exhibition, curated by Raul Betti and Greta Ruffino with the installation designed by Dumbo Design Studio and created in cooperation with Fiandre Architectural Surface, features several environments and accompanies visitors, delving into human nature and illustrating the design culture of the Portuguese architect, revealing its unique and private aspects.

The exhibition: Architecture Speaks: The Language of MVRDV curated by Nathalie de Vries, architect and founding partner of the Dutch architectural firm, is currently being held at the Tyrolean Architecture Center (aut) in Innsbruck. The core of the exhibition is a spatial intervention consisting of four coloured towers designed by the MVRDV architectural firm, representing four concepts: “stack”, “pixel”, “village” and “activator”. The four concepts are the key to interpreting the firm’s projects, which are on display in the exhibition and, when transferred to the four installations, offer visitors a truly immersive experience.

“FORMGIVING - An Architectural Future History from the BIG Bang to Singularity” has been announced as the largest and most important exhibition hosted by the Danish Architecture Center in Copenhagen, dedicated to one of the most internationally active architectural firms, namely, the BIG Bjarke Ingels Group.
Through three sections or chapters, the exhibition allows visitors to discover some of the most iconic buildings designed by BIG and the theoretical approach underlying these creations, as well as how the architect “shapes the future” drawing on the Danish term “formgivning”, which literally means “giving shape to something that does not yet have a form”.

The MAD X exhibition, hosted at the Centre Pompidou in Paris, offers a glimpse of the city of the future as imagined and designed by the architects of MAD, the architectural firm founded by the architect Ma Yansong. The 10 architectural projects selected for the exhibition also provide an account of the firm’s evolution, from its foundation in 2004 to the present day.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Title: “Aldo Rossi e la Ragione. Architetture 1967-1997www.aldorossielaragione.it
Curated by Cinzia Simioni and Alessandro Tognon with Fondazione Aldo Rossi
Date: Jun 1 – Sep 29, 2019
Location: Palazzo della Ragione, Padova, Italy
Photos: Leonardo Scarabello

Title: Álvaro Siza. Viagem Sem Programa www.viagemsemprograma.com
curated by Raul Betti and Greta Ruffino
Date: Jun 6 - Sep 8, 2019
Location: Santa Maria della Scala - Piazza del Duomo 1 Siena - Italy
Photos: Raul Betti

Title: Architecture Speaks: The Language of MVRDV
Curated by Nathalie de Vries
Location: Tyrolean Architecture Center (aut), Innsbruck, Austria
Date: Jul 5 – Sep 28, 2019
Images courtesy of MVRDV, exhibition photos by Günter Richard Wett

Title: FORMGIVING - An architectural future history from BIG Bang to singularity
curated by BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group in association with Danish Architecture Center
Date: Jun 12, 2019 – Jan 5, 2020
Location: Danish Architecture Center, Bryghuspladsen 10 - 1473 København K – Denmark dac.dk
Images courtesy of Danish Architecture Center, photo by Rasmus Hjortshøj.

Title: MAD X - Permanent Collection Exhibition
Location: Room 28, Floor 4 - Centre Pompidou, Paris, France
Date: April 2019 - April 2020
Curator: Frédéric Migayrou
Scenography: Ma Yansong MAD’s Curatorial Design Team: Tammy Xie, Andrea Chin, Esther Greslin, Ma Yue, Li Ran
Images courtesy of MAD, photo by Jared Chulski