
The Galerie d'Architecture de Paris celebrates the Art of Building with the exhibition dedicated to Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes

Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes,

David Boureau,



In Paris until October 28, the Galerie d'Architecture offers a fascinating journey into the architecture of the Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes studio, to celebrate the pleasure of building and to pay homage to all the professional figures involved in the creation of an architectural work: from workers to craftsman, from engineers to clients and to the architects themselves.

The Galerie d'Architecture de Paris celebrates the Art of Building with the exhibition dedicated to Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes

From October 10 to 28 the Galerie d'Architecture de Paris will host the exhibition entitled "Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes - Construire", dedicated to the Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes studio. The projects on display will allow visitors to immerse themselves in the world of contemporary architecture and discover the modus operandi of an architecture firm that celebrates the pleasure of building and pays homage to everyone involved in the creation of architectural works: from workers to artisans, from engineers to clients and to the architects themselves.

One of the distinguishing elements of Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes is the studio's attention to the structure as an essential element of construction. This attention translates into projects that offer unexpected and surprising opportunities. The structure is not only a mere supporting element, but becomes an integral part of the architectural composition. In the projects on display – from the Station and Traffic Hub in Ostend, Belgium, to the Aldilonda Bridgein Bastia, France – the structure is light and precise, playing a central role in the creation of spaces. In the La Canopée project completed in Ostend in 2019, the transparent roof is made of polycarbonate panels on a steel structure. The solution adopted by the architects creates a bright and airy environment that not only offers a spectacular view of the train station and of the tracks, but also establishes a visual link between the platforms and the historic station building.

What makes the projects created by Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes unique is the constructive approach, reflected in every detail. The exhibition will present a series of films and illustrations that showcase the studio's passion for the key stages of the construction process, including assembly on site and the involvement of artisans. The meticulous attention to detail, in fact, requires a high level of skill and reflects the expertise and ability of the artisans involved.

The architectural language adopted by the studio is direct and powerful, characterised by a raw and evident materiality that allows the composition to be easily legible and attributes a feeling of tranquility to the spaces. The correct use of materials, attention to energy efficiency and natural lighting emphasise the firm's constant commitment to the sustainability and quality of architectural spaces.

The projects on display, such as the Passerelle Simone-de-Beauvoir in Paris and the Jetée on Mont-Saint-Michel are extraordinary examples of how the Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes firm is able to seamlessly combine aesthetics with efficiency and respect for the environment. These projects also clearly demonstrate the studio's ability to insert its works into urban and landscape contexts with great sensitivity and respect for the local history and culture.

The "Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes - Construire" exhibition offers visitors the opportunity to explore the distinctive approach of a studio that celebrates the beauty and functionality of architecture, emphasising the talent of artisans and the structure's importance as a central element in the creation of high-quality spaces.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Images courtesy of Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes and La Galerie d'Architecture Paris