
New design trends for 2023: practical, versatile Ariostea ceramic maxi-slabs

contemporary, Design, Interior Floor, Classic,

Stone, Porcelain Tile, Marble,

Ariostea, Living, Interior Design, Kitchen, Bathroom, scale, top bathroom, tabletop, Kitchen countertop, Grandi formati, piatti doccia,

The new surfaces proposed for 2023 offer a contemporary reinterpretation in high-tech ceramic of traditional surface coverings such as marble and stone. 
Ultra Ariostea maxi-slabs explore the aesthetic potential of these materials with unprecedented creative freedom, translating them into solutions for interiors abounding in charm, originality and character

New design trends for 2023: practical, versatile Ariostea ceramic maxi-slabs
In the new design trends for 2023, high-tech ceramic plays a leading role in floors, surface coverings and furnishings for homes and for public and commercial spaces.
The great ductility of ceramic materials allows them to express all the qualities for which they are renowned as surface coverings.
These include great resistance, a direct consequence of the material’s absolute impermeability and compactness
But the properties of high-tech ceramic also include durability, inalterability and easy maintenance and cleaning.
Ceramic maxi-slabs also give free rein to personal expression in living spaces, with very little grouting, ensuring greater luminance and breadth of vision than traditional ceramic tiles.
High-tech ceramic maxi-slabs are also light enough to permit all kinds of creative uses in custom furnishings and solutions, ideal for responding to the needs of different spaces and personal tastes.
The principal uses of high-tech ceramic in furniture and interior decorating include sliding doors and walls, tables, chairs, kitchen and bathroom countertops, in addition to ventilated walls for buildings’ outer cladding.
The most popular looks of the year 2023 will see confirmation of timeless classic design trends such as stone, marble and wood, which will continue to be the most popular materials at the principal design fairs.
The great variety of textures and colours in which these materials are now available has expanded catalogues with precious, exotic and rare solutions such as the recent new marble and stone maxi-slabs introduced by Ariostea.
A leader in the ceramics industry for many years, Ariostea boasts a vast catalogue of Ultra Marmi and Pietre marble- and stone-effect maxi-slabs, focusing on spaces in contemporary minimalist style as well as traditional or rustic taste.
The new proposals include Blue Tempest, Panda White and Patagonia marble-effect surfaces as well as the new Pietra Jatoba Brown.
Blue Tempest is a unique quartzite in unusual colours: a background in various hues of blue with neutral veining enriched by warm highlights.
Panda White is a surface with a pale, bright background animated by a dynamic, wavy texture of veining in hues of grey, green and amber.
Patagonia is a granite of Brazilian origin, the principal aesthetic feature of which is a complex interweave of different rocks and minerals, translating into a precious pattern of shapes and colours.
In the Ultra Pietre collection, the new Jatoba Brown surface is a "uniform quartzite with a dark brown background, crossed by paler grains with warm hues", ideal for combination with wooden surfaces and tabletops.

Marco Privato