
2016 Biennale 2016, the German pavilion is being restored

Alejandro Aravena, Nicola Borgmann,

Gianluca Giordano,

Frankfurt, Milan,

Pavilions, Biennale di Venezia,

Exhibition, Venice Biennale, documenta14, Arts,

The 15th International Architecture exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia curated by Chilean architect and Pritzker prize-winner Alejandro Aravena titled “Reporting from the Front” has just finished, and work to restore the German pavilion has begun.

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  3. 2016 Biennale 2016, the German pavilion is being restored

2016 Biennale 2016, the German pavilion is being restored The 15th International Architecture exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia curated by Chilean architect and Pritzker prize-winner Alejandro Aravena titled “Reporting from the Front” has just finished, and work to restore the German pavilion has begun.

For the 2016 Biennale, Germany addressed the theme of refugees and hospitality, going beyond just finding them a place to live and creating new points of reference both for the new arrivals and the local residents, based on an untranslatable German word - “Heimat” - that means a place where you feel at home, a feeling as much as a physical location.
To realise the German participation in the 15th International Architecture exhibition, the German pavilion in the Giardini della Biennale was turned into an open place symbolising hospitality also from the architectural perspective, by introducing four new openings, as a departure from the heritage listing restrictions. 
“Making Heimat”, under the direction of the Deutsches Architekturmuseum (DAM) with general commissioner Peter Cachola Schmal, curator Oliver Elser and project coordinator Anna Scheuermann in conjunction with the creatives from Something Fantastic and the advice of journalist Doug Saunders and of Kai Vöckler, explored the factors of successful integration of immigrants in the so-called “Arrival Cities”. The exhibition will be on show from 3 March 2017 at DAM, Frankfurt, in an expanded version thanks to the experience in Venice and the progress in constructing hospitality facilities, which was also discussed at FAB Milan during the evening with Nicola Borgmann from Architekturgalerie München.
When the work to restore the pavilion to its former state is finished in January 2017, it will be handed over to the curator of the German participation in the 2017 Art Biennale, Susanne Pfeffer from the Fridericianium museum in Kassel, city of documenta14 that will be held next year.

Christiane Bürklein

German pavilion: “Making Heimat. Germany, Arrival Country”
Commissioner: Peter Cachola Schmal
Curator: Oliver Elser
Project coordinator: Anna Scheuermann
Website: http://www.makingheimat.de/
15th International Architecture Exhibition - Venice Biennale
Images: © Gianluca Giordano