
Ultra Pietre Ariostea: the timeless attraction of new covering solutions

stile minimal, stile metropolitano, stile vintage, Classic, Exterior Floor, Design, contemporary, Interior Floor,

Porcelain Tile, Stone,

Ariostea, Grandi formati, Living, Interior Design,

Naturalness, harmony and easy mixing and matching are among the key aesthetic qualities of natural stone, a material which has always offered architects and interior designers plenty of freedom and practicality. Ariostea’s recently expanded Ultra Pietre collection explores the potential of stone-effect high-tech ceramic with exclusive, elegant, refined designs, proposing trendy solutions for public and private spaces alike

Ultra Pietre Ariostea: the timeless attraction of new covering solutions
As a classic covering material, stone still retains all its power of attraction and ancestral charm.
Setting aside the features of individual varieties of stone for a moment, stone’s basic properties make it perfect for use in a great variety of different settings, from the most traditional interior design to bold contemporary styles.
Stone’s distinctive features include naturalness, a colour palette based essentially on neutral hues, and great wealth and originality of detailing.

This and its visual qualities make stone one of the most versatile materials around, easy to match with any colour, tone-on-tone or in contrasting hues. 
Stone continues to convey an unrivalled sense of strength, depth and harmony.
The added value of stone is that it is the most commonly used material outdoors, because of its great naturalness and adaptability for use in outdoor landscapes both large and small.
High-tech ceramic can now reproduce not only the most classic, best-loved types of stone, but also the most refined and exotic varieties, while in all cases maintaining all its unique aesthetic characteristics, combined with the resistance and hardness of porcelain.
Porcelain is better suited than any other material to guaranteeing resistance to stress, tread, abrasion and everyday cleaning, as it is almost entirely non-absorbent.
Ariostea, a leader in the manufacture of ceramics, has always dedicated special attention to stone, as will be evident in the company’s maxi-slab collections such as Ultra Pietre, in which "the natural appeal of quarry stone maintains a sculptural, sophisticated, timeless beauty".
Ultra Pietre includes a great variety of rocks offering plenty of choice, and maxi-slabs are perfect for producing customised furnishings and countertops to meet all kinds of needs.
The collection includes classic stones of volcanic origin such as Basaltina, alongside sedimentary and calcareous rocks like Piasentina, or the more recent Pietra Di Vals, directly from the Swiss Alps, as well as Cardoso, a famous stone from the Apuan Alps.
The collection was recently expanded with the bold, elegant hues of new Infinity Black, Galaxy Grey and White Ocean.
Rich in subtle veining, clouding and harmonious blends of colour, the three collections are designed to create exclusive, evocative effects in private homes and public places alike.
300x150 cm maxi-slabs and the texture of their soft finish make Infinity Black, Galaxy Grey and White Ocean highly versatile materials for the production of custom furnishings and items of design, taking advantage of the light weight of high-tech ceramic.

Marco Privato