
Fragments of an Urban Future, WOHA at the Biennale


Biennale di Venezia, Sport & Wellness, Hotel, Ville,

Exhibition, Event, Venice Biennale,

Singapore-based architecture firm WOHA will be participating in the 15th International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia.

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  3. Fragments of an Urban Future, WOHA at the Biennale

Fragments of an Urban Future, WOHA at the Biennale Singapore-based architecture firm WOHA will be participating in the 15th International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia. “Fragments of an Urban Future” is part of GAA Foundation's collateral exhibition TIME SPACE EXISTENCE at Palazzo Bembo.

Another two weeks and finally the curtain will be opening on the stage of Venice for the much anticipated Architecture Biennale under the theme “Reporting from the Front”.

Palazzo Bembo is definitely going to be one of the “places to be”, hosting - together with Palazzo Mora - the GAA Foundation's important collateral exhibition TIME SPACE EXISTENCE, and we'll be online live there during the Biennale preview (26 and 27 May).

In the prestigious palazzo overlooking the Grand Canal Grande, WOHA's “Fragments of an Urban Future” is a response to the most pressing needs facing megacities today. Through the three projects selected for the exhibition - PARKROYAL on Pickering (2013), SkyVille @ Dawson (2015) and Oasia Downtown Hotel (2016) - this Singapore-based architecture firm shares its design responses to today's challenges of urbanisation, climate change and the need to preserve tropical biodiversity.

WOHA's green facades are not just an eye-catching superficial greenwashing, like a kind of make-up, they are real, feasible solutions to generate breathing architecture, which offers a new blueprint that is compatible with the ecosystem , for both people and urban fauna. Their projects blur the lines between buildings and urban landscape for a brand new metropolitan lifestyle, while still staying in touch with nature, which is domesticated and adapted to the needs of humankind.

It will be opening on 27 May and we'll be at Palazzo Bembo to share our first impressions of “Fragments of an Urban Future” with our readers.

Christiane Bürklein

Exhibition WOHA “Fragments of an Urban Future”
from 28 May to 27 November
Palazzo Bembo, Venice
Collateral event of the 15th Architecture Biennial, as part of GAA Foundation's TIME-SPACE-EXISTENCE
Images: courtesy of WOHA