
Exploring the boundaries of time: 'To Be Continued' by Nineties in Utrecht


Jitkse Nap, Jean Philipse,

Utrecht, Netherlands,

Free Time,


In the heart of Utrecht, as part of the 'Uncloud' festival, a fascinating journey that challenges the boundaries of time and reality awaits you. Welcome to 'To Be Continued', an intriguing audiovisual production by the Amsterdam-based theatre collective Nineties. This immersive experience explores the fascinating interplay between digitisation, technology and our perception of time.

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  3. Exploring the boundaries of time: 'To Be Continued' by Nineties in Utrecht

Exploring the boundaries of time: 'To Be Continued' by Nineties in Utrecht "To Be Continued" is part of the larger Uncloud festival, an arts initiative comprising more than three weeks of events at various venues in Utrecht. Uncloud presents diverse activities, from concerts and live performances to exhibitions, club nights and interactive theatre productions. It celebrates hybrid soundscapes and technological encounters, all linked by this year's theme: physicaldigital-digital-physicaldigital-[...].
But what does it all mean? How do digitalisation and technology affect our understanding of time? Nineties, an Amsterdam-based theatre collective whose mission is to shed light on contemporary practices, seeks to offer new perspectives on our changing world and its challenges. Nineties' performances are a fusion of visual art, digital media, literature, music and performance, bridging the gap between high and pop culture. Starting this spring, Nineties invites the audience at the various chosen locations to embark on a unique journey in which traditional actors take a back seat. Instead, digital technology takes centre stage in this captivating audiovisual installation.

From the moment the ticket is purchased, those attending the performance in the Theater Kikker are guided through this digital realm by a chatbot on Telegram. This virtual guide accompanies them all the way to the extensive digital performance in the physical venue. 'To Be Continued' is a thought-provoking exploration of modern digital culture and its profound influence on our perception of time.
The theatre collective pushes the boundaries of classical performance, taking its narrative beyond the traditional stage. For this innovative production, Nineties collaborated with video artist Noralie, interactive design studio Moniker and musician/producer Philipp Thimm. Together, they created an English-language installation that challenges our relationship with time.
Yannick Noomen, the director of 'To Be Continued', reflects on the accelerated pace of our digital age. "In a matter of seconds, we can access information, connect with people worldwide and even create completely new realities. But in this whirlwind, have we really gained control over time?" Noomen's fascination lies in exploring the profound impact of technology on our lives. It invites us to contemplate how we perceive and interact with time in an age defined by digital innovation.

'To Be Continued' represents a significant turning point for Nineties, as it marks its first production without traditional actors. Instead, the spotlight is on music, projection and lighting design. This unique approach allows Nineties to explore the power of video, sound and set design as theatrical media. The result is an immersive time-travelling experience against a backdrop of music inspired by the world of interfaces, applications and preloaders.
As visitors navigate this captivating experience, images reshape their perception of time while animations immerse them in virtual reality. Video artist Noralie aptly describes the production as a kind of 'digital psychedelic intake'.
If you are curious and are in the Netherlands this week, don't miss the opportunity to immerse yourself in 'To Be Continued' at the 'Uncloud' Festival in Utrecht. It is a captivating exploration of our digital age and its profound impact on our perception of time. This experience will leave you questioning the boundaries of reality and imagination.

Christiane Bürklein

Festival Uncloud
2–15 October 2023
Former Pieter Baan Centre, Gansstraat 180, 3582 EP Utrecht
To Be Continued - Concept Nineties, Noralie and studio Moniker
Directors: Yannick Noomen and Noortje van den Eijnde
Digital design and development: studio Moniker
Music: Philipp Johann Thimm
Scenography: Julian Maiwald
Technical producer: Bart van Bokhoven
Producer: Merel Hobrink
Creative producer: Vevi van der Vliet
Co-producers: studio Moniker, MU
Visuals: Stijn Stumpel
Marketing: Letice Braun
Press: Annabella Rijksen and Berber Stolte
Images: Jean Philipse, Jitkse Nap