
Mario Cucinella Architects Inaugurate the House of Music, Pieve di Cento

Mario Cucinella Architects MCA,

Moreno Maggi,

Auditorium, Cultural Center, School, Art Center,

Workshop, Innovation,

The 29th May saw the inauguration of the House of Music in Pieve di Cento, designed by Mario Cucinella Architects, attended by the President of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella.

Mario Cucinella Architects Inaugurate the House of Music, Pieve di Cento

The House of Music in Pieve di Cento inaugurated on 29th May 2017 in the presence of the President of the Italian Republic, Sergio Mattarella, is one of five buildings created by the Mario Cucinella Architects studio as part of the Rebuilding Workshop that has involved six young professionals in Emilia, in the area hit by the earthquake in 2012.

The work was carried out thanks to a solidarity fund organised after the earthquake that raised 7 million euro. For the inauguration of the House of Music in Pieve di Cento, and the conference “Fare Scuola” which followed it, l'architect Mario Cucinella held a public event entitled: Rebuilding, Innovation and Community.
In the talk, the architect stated that the motto of rebuilding should be “not only how it was and where it was but, above all, how it will be”. He underlined the need for rebuilding that is also renewal in terms of seismic and environmental safety. He stressed that the fundamental role of architecture in society is to express the community and the culture of a country:Quality architecture promotes important values like beauty, design, ecology, environmental quality, innovation and sustainability and helps give value to a territory, creating a new empathy with the landscape. Beauty is contagious!”.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Architects: Mario Cucinella Architects www.mcarchitects.it
Location: Pieve di Cento
Photos: Moreno Maggi www.morenomaggi.com