
Italian interiors: the best of the week

STUDIO, Renato Arrigo, Massimo Iosa Ghini,


Gallery, Ville, Factories, Sport & Wellness, Bar, Showroom,


The recent exhibition focusing on interiors opened at SpazioFMG, Iris Ceramica and FMG Fabbrica Marmi e Graniti’s gallery in Milan, introduces the theme of this week’s Best of Week feature: Interior design.

Italian interiors: the best of the week

Starting with Italia per Interni. Manifesto, #2, the exhibition that opened recently at SpazioFMGperl'architettura, the gallery operated by the Iris Ceramica and FMG Fabbrica Marmi e Graniti brands, we dedicate this issue of “The best of the week” to a selection of the most recent Italian interior design projects covered in Floornature.
In the restaurant industry, a sector represented at SpazioFMG by the projects by architectural studio Labics/Maria Claudia Clemente and Francesco Isidori, recent projects worthy of note include: Tommaso Guerra’s Romeow Cat Bistrot inspired by the Neko Cafés of Japan and Lo Stonnato by Fabio Fantolino.
The residential interior designed by ultrarkitettura in Mestre, giving a new identity to a large empty space that used to be a boat storage facility, may be interpreted as a project which starts with the interior to rewrite the area it belongs to, according to Davide Fabio Colaci in his plans, on exhibit in the gallery.
In industrial interiors, exemplified by the projects by Navone Associati on display in the exhibition, architect Massimo Iosa Ghini worked on projects directly linked with Iris Group brands, such as the stand at Cersaie 2014 and Linea di Luce, an outdoor exhibition at the Iris and FMG Fabbrica Marmi Graniti showrooms.
To conclude, Floornature presents numerous residential interiors, a theme represented in the exhibition at SpazioFMG by projects by di Luciano Giorgi/lgb architetti. The projects differ greatly in size and location, and some of the most recent ones are a villa on the Strait of Messina designed by Renato Arrigo, microSTUDIO’s SpinHouse and Alvisi Kirimoto & Partners’ House S.

(Agnese Bifulco)