
Exhibition PIER LUIGI NERVI Architecture as a Challenge

Pier Luigi Nervi,

Florence, Rome, Brussels,

Offices, Sport & Wellness, Ville, Kindergartens, Factories,


The Mantua stage of the exhibition tour celebrating Pier Luigi Nervi focuses a great deal of attention on the project of the Burgo paper mill.

Exhibition PIER LUIGI NERVI Architecture as a Challenge
The exhibition dedicated to the distinguished Italian engineer, curated by Carlo Olmo has arrived in Mantua, where Nervi created the Burgo Paper Mill, also known as ?the suspended factory?, hence the exhibition subtitle.
The event is part of a broader international, itinerant retrospective dedicated to Pier Luigi Nervi, made possible by the cooperation between a number of Italian and foreign institutions: the Pier Luigi Nervi Research and Knowledge Management Project association, CIVA (Centre International pour la Ville, l?Architecture et le Paysage) in Brussels, the MAXXI national museum in Rome and the CSAC Communications Study Centre and Archives of the University of Parma.

In the Fruttiere di Palazzo Te, the exhibition has been broken down into twelve sections, each one concentrating on a one of the works that have become icons of Pier Luigi Nervi?s fields of activity, starting from the Florence football stadium in 1932, to the Papal Hearings Hall in the Vatican through to Nervi?s last project, theItalian Embassy in Brasilia, 1969.

Much of the documentation focuses on the Burgo Paper Mill, symbol of the engineer?s structural and architectural experiments, resolution of a complex problem: having a single, 250 m long space, with a 160 m free façade and to better understand the construction method adopted by Nervi, the original moulds of the Paper Mill?s floor ? and the only surviving moulds adopted by the famous engineer ? will be on exhibition.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Title: PIER LUIGI NERVI Architecture as a Challenge ? Industry and the suspended factory
Curator: Carlo Olmo
Dates: 8 September - 25 November 2012
Location: Palazzo Te, Mantua - Italy
Gallery courtesy of: MAXXI architecture archives centre, Rome
CSAC Communications Study Centre and Archives, University of Parma
Burgo technical office archives, Mantua
