
Ariostea Twister Pavilion Ultra surfaces for Cersaie 2016

Pier Luigi Nervi,

At Cersaie the Twister Pavilion stand, designed by the Marco Porpora architecture studio for Ariostea, highlights the versatility of ULTRA technology, with large ceramic slabs that create flooring, large and small surface coverings, objects and furnishing accessories.

Ariostea Twister Pavilion Ultra surfaces for Cersaie 2016

At the24th edition of CERSAIE, the international exhibition of ceramic tiles and bathroom furnishing, held in Bologna from 26th to the 30th September, the editorial team of Floornature was also drawn into the Twister Pavilion, the Ariostea stand designed by Marco Porpora architecture studio.
A pilotis structure supporteda band made of ULTRA large ceramic slabs by Ariostea, creating a sinuous, enveloping pathway that welcomed visitors physically and also exclusively visually, by guiding them toward the interior. For those, like us, who decided to follow the path, the interior was revealed to be a modern agora, the fulcrum of the whole project and a natural reception and sitting area. Here the large ULTRA slabs by Ariostea defined the display in a seemingly free way, creating dramatic backdrops and covering surfaces and decor.
All this was focussed on highlighting the versatility ofULTRA technology in covering large and small surfaces, as well as objects and furnishing accessories, solutions that thanks to the nature of the material can be used both indoors and outdoors to create regular, curved or even backlit surfaces. The crowning glory of the installation was a semi-transparent, radial network structure in aluminium created by the architects, which recalled structures by Pier Luigi Nervi.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Design: Marco Porpora Architetti
Location: Bologna – Italy
