
Nozomi Sushi Bar by Masquespacio

Paolo Schianchi,

Valencia, Spain,


Design, contemporary,

Masquespacio, Ana Milena Hernández Palacios,

Spanish creative design studio Masquespacio is behind the interior design and brand concept of a Sushi bar in Valencia, Spain.

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  3. Nozomi Sushi Bar by Masquespacio

Nozomi Sushi Bar by Masquespacio Spanish creative design studio Masquespacio is behind the interior design and brand concept of a Sushi bar in Valencia, Spain. A project envisioned around the dual concept of “classic emotional” and “rational contemporary”, recreating our idea of modern Japan. 
Nozomi Sushi Bar is owned by José Miguel Herrera and Nuria Morell and located in Valencia, Spain: the latest total project by Masquespacio creative consultancy that was responsible for both the interior design and the branding of the premises.

Masquespacio first carefully studied the Japanese culture and the origins of Sushi to step into what Paolo Schianchi describes in “L'immagine è un oggetto” as the creation of an image myth consisting of three components: “...the imaginary and individual memory (belonging to the place); the imaginary and collective memory (symbolism); the creation and fictitiousness (a project’s creativity)”.

The result obtained by the design team from Masquespacio headed by Ana Milena Hernández Palacios is truly convincing: the Nozomi Sushi Bar greets you like a metaphoric stroll along a Japanese street, where the strong, solid grey concrete in keeping with contemporary minimal Japanese architecture, is balanced and integrated by the fine details of the woodwork accompanying guests through to the main dining room. 
Here the floral origami-style ceiling decoration is a clear reference to the famous cherry blossom, setting an ambience full of signs and meanings, a space that pleases our desire and above all our idea of Japan – right in the heart of Valencia.

(Christiane Bürklein)

Design: Masquespacio (http://www.masquespacio.com)
Completion: 19 December 2014
Creative Director: Ana Milena Hernández Palacios
Creative junior: Nuria Martínez
Architect junior: Virgínia Hinarejos
Graphic junior: Jairo Pérez, Ana Diaz
Construction: Helix (http://helixcc.es/)
Photography: David Rodríguez y Carlos Huecas (http://www.cualiti.es/)
Nozomi Sushi Bar, http://www.nozomisushibar.com/