
Exhibition “Together. The New Architecture of the Collective”, Vitra Design Museum

EM2N, Ilka Ruby, Andreas Ruby,

Ute Zscharnt, Mark Niedermann, Hertha Hurnaus, Dean Kaufman, Simon van Hal, Sadao Hotta, Gabor Ekecs, Niklaus Spoerri,

Weil am Rhein, Germany,


The exhibition titled “Together.

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Exhibition “Together. The New Architecture of the Collective”, Vitra Design Museum The exhibition titled “Together. The New Architecture of the Collective” at the Vitra Design Museum will be running until 10 September for visitors to take a closer look at the issue of housing, increasingly oriented towards collective living solutions.

When you click on architecture sites or flick through the magazines that focus on architecture you come across terms like co-housing, multi-generational houses that describe new forms of living as a reaction to a rapidly changing world. The change is both structural and social because housing is becoming scarce in cities that are growing out of all proportion and driving property prices up prohibitively, because of the economic crisis and because of new forms of shared living.
In this sense, “Together. The New Architecture of the Collective” at the Vitra Design Museum is the first exhibition to explore the issue of collective building and living, also offering spatial experiences. Models, videos and housing on a scale of 1:1 are used to showcase examples from Europe, Asia and the US in an exhibition that starts from the history of “social housing” as a response to problems across different eras, from Charles Fourier in France to Monte Verità in Ticino (Switzerland) to the protest and hippy movements of the 1960s-80s, touting the slogan “Make love, not lofts”.
This is followed by an installation of 21 collective housing models, including Berlin, Vienna, Tokyo, Los Angeles and Zurich, which show how new ways of living bring with them new approaches to design. The third section of the exhibition curated by Ilka and Andreas Ruby with EM2N gives visitors the possibility of entering a “cluster house” on a scale of 1:1, with communal areas and private rooms.
“Together. The New Architecture of the Collective” is a must-visit opportunity to find out much more about this silent revolution that has been happening for years. 
At the building level, the “sharing economy” is also driving change at the social level, in response to an increasingly heterogeneous society in search of new forms of shared living beyond the traditional family homes. All the aspects of the exhibition are explored in guided tours and a packed collateral programme of conferences and meetings, as well as a catalogue with critical essays by Andreas Hofer, Ethel Baraona Pohl, Anna Puigjaner, Robert Temel, Yuma Shinohara

Christiane Bürklein

Exhibition: “Together. The New Architecture of the Collective”
from 3 June to 10 September 2017
curated by Ilka and Andreas Ruby and EM2N
Vitra Design Museum, Weil am Rhein, Germany
Catalogue: Together! Die Neue Architektur der Gemeinschaft published by: Mateo Kries, Ilka Ruby, Andreas Ruby, Mathias Müller, Daniel Niggli, designed by Something Fantastic, Berlin 
FInd out more: http://www.design-museum.de/index.php?id=1869&L=1
Images: courtesy of Vitra Design Museum
1) Spreefeld Berlin zusammenarbeiter / carpaneto / fat koehl / bar architekten, berlin Foto: Ute Zscharn 
2) House for Seven People, Tokio, studio mnm, Tokyo, 2013  © Sadao Hotta 
3, 4, 6) Exhibition view, Mark Niedermann
5) Moriyama House, Tokio. Office of Ryue Nishizawa, Tokio, 2005 © Dean Kaufman 
7) Wohnprojekt Wien einszueins architektur, 2013 Foto: Hertha Hurnaus 
8) Schwimmbad im Kellergeschoss der Sargfabrik, Wien BKK-2, Wien, 1992–96 © Hertha Hurnaus 
9) Star Apartments, Los Angeles Michael Maltzan Architecture, Los Angeles, 2014 © Gabor Ekecs 
10) Gemeinschaftsraum im Haus J, Genossenschaft mehr als Genossenschaft mehr als Wohnen, Zürich wohnen, Zürich, 2014. Foto: Daniel Burchard pool Architekten, Zürich Foto: Niklaus Spoerri 
11) Wohnpark Alterlaa, Wien, 1973-85 Architektur: Harry Glück et al. © Simon van Hal 
Hashtag: #VDMtogether
Participating architects
Dorte Mandrup Arkitekter (DK), CASA Architecten und Vrijburcht Stichting (NL), ifau und Jesko Fezer/Heide von Beckerath (DE), Hütten und Paläste Architekten (DE), Naruse Inokuma Architects (JP), Naka Architects’ Studio (JP), Studio mnm (JP), Osamu Nishida and Erika Nakagawa (JP), Ryue Nishizawa (JP), ON design partners (JP), Jinhee Park, SsD (KR), pool Architektur ZT (AT), gaupenraub +/- (AT), einszueins architektur (AT), Buol & Zünd (CH), Beat Rothen Architektur (CH), Müller Sigrist Architekten (CH), pool Architekten (CH), Enzmann Fischer und Partner (CH), Schneider Studer Primas (CH), Lacol Cooperativa d’Arquitectes (ES), BKK-2 (AT), Silvia Carpaneto + fatkoehl architekten + BARarchitekten with Die Zusammenarbeiter (DE), Michael Maltzan Architecture (USA), Duplex Architekten (CH), Santiago Cirugeda of Recetas Urbanas (ES), all(zone) (TH).