
MKG, digital tour of the exhibition Together. The New Architecture of the Collective

Andreas Ruby, Ilka Ruby,

Henning Rogge,

Amburgo, Germania,



Hamburg’s MK&G Museum offers a digital tour of the exhibition Together. The New Architecture of the Collective, investigating the growing trend toward collective living solutions.

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MKG, digital tour of the exhibition Together. The New Architecture of the Collective
Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg (MK&G) is one of Europe’s most important art and design museums, with approximately 500,000 artefacts from 4,000 years of human history. Opened in 1877, MK&G is now an extraordinary place telling the great story of human creativity. 
MK&G continues with its exhibition programme despite prolonged museum closures due to the pandemic, using digital solutions to reach its public even when it’s impossible to visit in person. If you missed the exhibition “Together. The New Architecture of the Collective” at the Vitra Design Museum in 2017, you can now see the new version in Hamburg conveniently from home!
Rent and house prices continue to go up, and the classic model of the nuclear family has become obsolete; today’s living solutions must reconcile family life with careers as the world of work changes. The pandemic has brought an even greater risk of isolation, and in any case, more and more people wish to build and live in collective forms of housing, at least in Germany. Together. The New Architecture of the Collective presents examples of collective living from Europe, Asia and the United States, in the form of projects, initiatives, constructions and models, and even a walk-in cluster apartment, as well as information on historic precedents, from the nineteenth-century reformist movement to the hippies and squatters of the 1970s. 
Curators Ilka and Andreas Ruby were invited by the Hamburg Authority for urban development and housing (BSW) to expand the exhibition they had created for the Vitra Design Museum with an additional section focusing on collective housing in the city of Hamburg. This section presents, in addition to the original exhibition, the results of Wohnen - und was noch? (Housing – and what more?), a conceptual research process focusing on ideas for adapting the cooperative housing complexes of the '50s to the '70s in response to today’s needs. 
The exhibition therefore includes a section focusing on the history of social housing as a response to a number of issues of recent times, from Charles Fourier in France to Monte Verità in Switzerland’s Ticino region, to the protest movements under the slogan Make love, not lofts of the 1960s to the 1980s.
In addition, an installation of 21 models of collective housing projects from Berlin, Vienna, Tokyo, Los Angeles and Zurich demonstrates how new ways of living can trigger new approaches to design. Lastly, the third section of the exhibition allows you to enter a full-scale model of what is known as a “cluster home”, including both shared areas and private rooms, to conclude with a look at the situation in the Hamburg area.
The entire exhibition may be viewed conveniently from home, guided by the curators’ explanations, in a video made for the purpose by MK&G: 
This allows us to discover which architectural solutions are most appropriate for an increasingly diverse society, going beyond the traditional concept of the nuclear family to welcome new forms of communal living.

Christiane Bürklein

Exhibition: “Together. The New Architecture of the Collective”
from 20 November 2020 to 5 April 2021
curated by Ilka and Andreas Ruby and EM2N
MK&K Hamburg, Germany
The presentation of the exhibition in Hamburg is a cooperation between the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg (Ministry of Urban Development and Housing) and the MK&G.
Find out more: https://www.mkg-hamburg.de/en/exhibitions/current/together.html
Images: Henning Rogge
Participating architects
Dorte Mandrup Arkitekter (DK), CASA Architecten und Vrijburcht Stichting (NL), ifau und Jesko Fezer/Heide von Beckerath (DE), Hütten und Paläste Architekten (DE), Naruse Inokuma Architects (JP), Naka Architects’ Studio (JP), Studio mnm (JP), Osamu Nishida and Erika Nakagawa (JP), Ryue Nishizawa (JP), ON design partners (JP), Jinhee Park, SsD (KR), pool Architektur ZT (AT), gaupenraub +/- (AT), einszueins architektur (AT), Buol & Zünd (CH), Beat Rothen Architektur (CH), Müller Sigrist Architekten (CH), pool Architekten (CH), Enzmann Fischer und Partner (CH), Schneider Studer Primas (CH), Lacol Cooperativa d’Arquitectes (ES), BKK-2 (AT), Silvia Carpaneto + fatkoehl architekten + BARarchitekten with Die Zusammenarbeiter (DE), Michael Maltzan Architecture (USA), Duplex Architekten (CH), Santiago Cirugeda of Recetas Urbanas (ES), all(zone) (TH).