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ADI Design Index 2017, the best in Italian design


ADI Design Index 2017, the best in Italian design

The Permanent Design Observatory has presented the 204 works chosen for the ADI Design Index 2017 which will compete, together with the 2016 selection, for the Compasso d'Oro. The works chosen are currently on display in Milan and, from 27th October, in Rome.

SpazioFMG exhibition: Ares Arquitectos, B+R Arquitectos & Lombardini22


SpazioFMG exhibition: Ares Arquitectos, B+R Arquitectos & Lombardini22

The Iris ceramica and FMG Fabbrica Marmi e Graniti Gallery and Showroom invites you to discover contemporary retail spaces through the designs of three leading architecture studios: Ares Arquitectos (Mexico), B+R Arquitectos (Spain) and Lombardini22 (Italy).

A film presents architect Piero Portaluppi


A film presents architect Piero Portaluppi

"L'amatore" by director Maria Mauti, a documentary film dedicated to Milanese architect Piero Portaluppi, is on show at the Oberdan Cinema Space in Milan until 11th October.

Innovation and Design - Ariostea at Brera Design Days


Innovation and Design - Ariostea at Brera Design Days

At the second edition of Brera Design Days, on 9th October 2017, Ariostea will host a talk entitled “Innovation and Design, how design changes with new production technologies and an open-source philosophy ” with Alessandro Masserdotti.

Green City Milano, the third edition is ready to go


Green City Milano, the third edition is ready to go

From 22 to 24 September 2017, Milan is showcasing its green heart.

Master's in Communication for Architecture at IUAV University, Venice


Master's in Communication for Architecture at IUAV University, Venice

The Level 1 Master's in Communication for Architecture course Architecture Image Communication, instituted by IUAV and coordinated by Professor Angelo Maggi offers a new career opportunity: the visual project director.

Carlo Ratti Garden of the Four Seasons in Milan


Carlo Ratti Garden of the Four Seasons in Milan

Carlo Ratti Associati designed the “Garden of the Four Seasons”, a covered garden where the four seasons coexist at all times of year, for Milan’s new Citylife district.

Federica Minozzi wins Le Fonti Awards CEO of the Year


Federica Minozzi wins Le Fonti Awards CEO of the Year

Le Fonti Awards has named Federica Minozzi of the Iris Ceramica Group CEO of the Year in the Furniture and Design category.

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