
SpazioFMG LAND 25: A Tribute to the Italian Landscape

OMA, Luca Molinari,

Milan, Rome,

Sport & Wellness, Gallery, Bar, Landscape, Factories,

Exhibition, Retraining,

At SpazioFMG a monographic exhibition pays tribute to the work of a group of professionals founded by Andrea Kipar and Giovanni Sala.

SpazioFMG LAND 25: A Tribute to the Italian Landscape

LAND is the acronym ofLandscape Architecture Nature Development, a group of professionals founded in 1990 by Andrea Kipar and Giovanni Sala, who have a multi-disciplinary and ecological approach to landscape design.
LAND is involved in ecological planning of the territory with development models that focus not only on urban and architectural design, but also on politics and economics.
The exhibition planned for SpazioFMG, the Milan gallery of Iris Ceramica and FMG Fabbrica Marmi e Granitiand curated by Luca Molinari looks at 25 years of activity and research by the group, dedicated to the Italian landscape, through projects that valorise, reclaim and give new green life to degraded spaces and large cities.

In particular, the projects on display concern the new green areas designed for Milan and Rome, the project to valorise the landscapes of Lampedusa and the Langhe in Barolo, and the requalification of Porto Marghera through green infrastructures.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Place: Milan - Italy
Date: 12th November – 2nd December 2014 | from 11 am to 2 pm
Opening: 11th November 6.30 pm, free entry, registration required at
