
RE CYCLE Strategies for architecture, the city and the planet

MVRDV, Superstudio, Peter Eisenman, Bernard Tschumi,

Rome, Belgium, Switzerland, Taipei, Taiwan, Zurich, Beijing, China,

Store, Sport & Wellness, Museums, Landscape, Pavilions,

Exhibition, Freitag,

Drawings, models, photographs, videos and objects represent recycling as a creative strategy in the exhibition now underway at MAXXI in Rome.

RE CYCLE Strategies for architecture, the city and the planet
The exhibition, open until April 29 2012, is part of MAXXI ? Architettura?s study of contemporary themes in built spaces and the landscape.

The exhibition includes recent projects as well as buildings which might be called historic, represented through models, photographs and drawings such as those by Peter Eisenman and Superstudio, videos such as the ones about recycling abandoned constructions by Frank O. Gehry and Venturi and by Scott Brown and Associates.

Works demonstrating how "recycling" is related to the profession of architect and of artist, including "creative recycling" such as Miniwiz?s plan to cover the EcoARK pavilion in Taipei with recycled PET bottles.
Two installations in the museum?s outdoor spaces reveal the potential of recycling: Maloca by Fernando and Humberto Campana and the officina roma pavilion by the raumlaborberlin collective.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Title: RE-CYCLE Strategie per l'architettura, la città e il pianeta (RE RE-CYCLE Strategies for architecture, the city and the planet)
Location: MAXXI, Rome, Italy
Dates: December 1 2011 ? April 29 2012


Gemini Residences Fr¯silos MVRDV Copenaghen, Danimarca / Denmark 2003 - 2005

02 - 02a
EcoARK MINIWIZ Taipei, Taiwan 2008-2010

Museo Storico del Trentino Elisabetta Terragni - Studio Terragni Architetti Trento, Italia / Italy 2007 - 2009

Wagristoratore Piero Portaluppi Passo San Giacomo, Val Formazza (VB),Italia / Italy 1929-1930

Sky Is the Limit Bureau des MÈsarchitectures Yangyang, Corea del Sud / South Corea 2008

Freitag Flagship Store Zurichspillmann echsle architekten Zurigo, Svizzera / Zurich, Switzerland 2005-2006

Live/Work Spaces culp (IT) architecten Anversa, Belgio / Antwerp, Belgium 2007

Monumento Continuo: sopraelevazione del Colosseo Superstudio (Adolfo Natalini, Cristiano Toraldo di Francia, Roberto Magris, Gian Piero Frassinelli, Alessandro Magris, Alessandro Poli) Roma, Italia / Rome, Italy

Le Fresnoy Studio national des arts contemporains Bernard Tschumi Architects Tourcoing, Francia / France 1991-1998

10 - 10a
High Line James Corner Field Operations, Diller Scofidio + Renfro, Piet Oudolf New York, NY, Stati Uniti / United States 2004 - 2009 (Fase I / Phase I), 2011 (Fase II / Phase II)

Sanlitun South LOT-EK Pechino, Cina / Beijing, China 2006 & 2008

neo_leo / living vertical l¸derwaldt architekten Colonia, Germania / Cologne, Germany 2005 - 2006