
Aware of every development and innovation in architecture Floornature takes a close look at the design of buildings and office spaces where the public pass through and congregate. These are spaces where a large part of everyday life takes place, where work coincides with interpersonal relationships, in a continual exchange of information. The images in our detailed gallery highlight the original solutions created by the most famous exponents of international architecture.

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Schmidt Hammer Lassen architects: The Crystal in Copenhagen


Schmidt Hammer Lassen architects: The Crystal in Copenhagen

Schmidt Hammer Lassen’s The Crystal is one of many contemporary constructions in the city of...

Shigeru Ban’s Tamedia offices: architecture that’s all about details in Zurich


Shigeru Ban’s Tamedia offices: architecture that’s all about details in Zurich

Known for his focus on sustainability and the architectural potential of humble but long-lasting...

PTE architects: redevelopment of The Granary


PTE architects: redevelopment of The Granary

An accurate functional restoration and new constructions by Pollard Thomas Edwards architects...

OMA/Rem Koolhaas: CCTV building in Beijing


OMA/Rem Koolhaas: CCTV building in Beijing

A ring-shaped building providing a symbol for the new China and for the potential of digital design...

Expansion of a former factory in Sheffield


Expansion of a former factory in Sheffield

The architects of Project Orange reclaim unused spaces in an old factory at 192 Shoreham Street in...

Perrault’s Fukoku Tower in Osaka


Perrault’s Fukoku Tower in Osaka

Dominique Perrault’s Fukoku Tower in Osaka will provide a possible definition of...

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