
Gustav Klimt in the sign of Hoffmann and the Secession exhibition


Landscape, Sport & Wellness, Gallery, Museums, Biennale di Venezia,


Venice Biennale, Arts, Exhibition,

To mark the 150th anniversary of the artist’s birth and the 100th anniversary of his participation in the Biennale in Venice (1910), Klimt is featured in a special exhibition looking at the architectural evolution of his work.

Gustav Klimt in the sign of Hoffmann and the Secession exhibition
The exhibition underway at Museo Correr in Venice, "Gustav Klimt in the sign of Hoffmann and the Secession", is co-produced by Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia and the Belvedere Museum in Vienna and curated by Alfred Weidinger, one of the greatest experts on the Viennese painter.

The exhibition in Venice reconstructs the architectural and pictorial evolution of the work of Klimt and the Viennese Secession through the objects on exhibit (not just paintings and drawings but jewellery, furniture and historic documents), with a special focus on the painter?s collaboration with architect Josef Hoffmann.

Starting with the beginning of the Secession and the cultural and social climate of the day, the exhibition looks at a number of aspects of Secessionist art: the figure and landscape, to come to the key themes of the exhibition: collaboration with Hoffmann and the two men?s spasmodic tension towards the Gesamtkunstwerk, the total work of art, culminating in the Beethoven Frieze and the decorations for Brussels? Stoclet Palace, both of which are showcased in the exhibition.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Title: Gustav Klimt nel segno di Hoffmann e della Secessione (Gustav Klimt in the sign of Hoffmann and the Secession)
Curator Alfred Weidinger
Dates: March 24 / July 8, 2012
Location: Museo Correr, Venice - Italy



Gustav Klimt, Judith I, 1901
Oil and gold leaf on on canvas 84x42 cm. Belvedere, Vienna

Gustav Klimt, Judith II (Salomé), 1909
Oil on canvas, 176x46 cm. Venice, Ca' Pesaro - Galleria Internazionale d'Arte Moderna, Venice

Gustav Klimt, Detail of the Beethoven Frieze, 1901-1902
Various materials

Gustav Klimt, The Sunflower, 1907
Oil on canvas, 110x110cm. Private collection

Gustav Klimt, Moving Water, 1898
Oil on canvas, 52×65 cm
Private collection, courtesy Galerie St. Etienne, New York

Gustav Klimt, Will o?the wisps, 1903
Oil on canvas, 52 x 60, Private European collection © Christie’s Images Limited, London

Joseph Hoffmann, Brooch, 1905
Model G366, Made by Wiener Werkstätte/Eugen Pflaumer, 1911
Gold-plated silver, semi-precious stones, 5,2 x 5,2 cm © Courtesy of Richard Grubman, Caroline Mortimer

Joseph Hoffmann, Brooch, 1905
Model G367, Made by Wiener Werkstätte/Karl Ponocny
Silver, gold, coral, lapis lazuli and moonstone, 5 x 5.1 cm, Galerie bei der Albertina – Zetter, Vienna. © Galerie bei der Albertina – Zetter, Vienna

Joseph Hoffmann, Brooch, 1905
Model G368, Made by Wiener Werkstätte/Karl Ponocny
Silver, coral, lapis lazuli, malachite, moonstone, 4.6 x 4.6 cm, Galerie bei der Albertina – Zetter, Vienna. © Galerie bei der Albertina – Zetter, Vienna

Carl Moll, Birch wood in the evening light, c. 1902
Oil on canvas, 80 x 80 cm, Vienna Belvedere © Belvedere, Vienna

Koloman Moser. Pines in winter, c. 1907
Olio su tela, 55,5 x 45,5 cm © Belvedere, Vienna