
The beauty of Marmi Maximum in home design trends for 2022

Design, contemporary, Mix and Match, Interior Floor,

Marble, Porcelain Tile,

Bathroom, Kitchen, Fiandre Architectural Surfaces, Living, tabletop, Interior Design, Grandi formati,

Personalising the home with traditional materials, handcrafted items and natural forms is the key to the design trends of spring 2022. 
Fiandre Architectural Surfaces is keeping ahead of the trends with numerous attractive Marmi Maximum surfaces allowing plenty of room for creativity and easy colour combinations, for the utmost personalisation of the home

The beauty of Marmi Maximum in home design trends for 2022
As revealed in the many trade fairs under way this spring, the interior design trends for the home of 2022 confirm the findings that emerged from the collections presented in the first few months of the year. 
This year’s most popular trends include the desire to enrich the home with objects and materials with a luxurious feel, especially those with a handcrafted flair.
Moods inspired by natural shapes and colours continue to be popular, along with styles of vintage inspiration. 
The vintage style need not necessarily be tied with classic traditions, but most often evokes the pop culture of recent decades, as in the customised prints, original combinations and unusual wallpaper patterns.
The common thread is most often the desire to personalise the spaces in the home, without following the rules or dictates of a particular style of decorating.
Better yet, we might say that the trend is to come up with variations on the general themes of one’s preferred style, for instance by combining colours in unusual ways, using reclaimed objects or items originally designed for another purpose, with greenery and lighting to add to the appeal of individual spaces.
A number of high-tech ceramic surface coverings presented in recent months anticipated these trends, thanks to the leading players in the industry, whose vision of design is not limited to the present but oriented toward responding to changes in society and its needs.
The new solutions recently proposed in the Marmi Maximum collection by Fiandre Architectural Surfaces follows these new design trends.

The nine colours added to the Marmi Maximum collection are prestigious solutions of great aesthetic value inspired by a favourite traditional material, marble
The new attractive colours proposed include the purplish hues of Breccia Mirabile, with its freehand shapes against a white background accompanied by greenish and pinkish hues.
The crimson and burgundy of Lepanto Rubino recall majestic, almost imperial surfaces, illustrating the unpredictability of the mineral world. 
Divine Blue reveals all its statuary power against a deep, variegated blue background with intersecting green and cobalt pigmentation.
These are only a few of the many Maximum surfaces that can be combined together, as shown in the gallery, to create uniquely attractive spaces with a bold identity.
In addition to aesthetics, Maximum ceramic slabs offer the benefits of sustainability, as they are made in zero emissions plants where scrap is returned to the production cycle, helping to preserve natural resources.
Moreover, the vast choice of colours and hues in Fiandre’s Maximum collections significantly increases the range available to designers, architects and home decorating fans for personalising the spaces and atmospheres in homes, offices, shops and public places.

Marco Privato