
Turin: apartment with dog suite

Fabrizio Carraro,


Apartment, Sport & Wellness, Condos,


Cement, Wood,

Case e Segreti: a luxury apartment in central Turin designed by architect Fabio Fantolino. The common thread running through the project is contrasting materials, with the minimalism of “hiding things”, but there is also an element of eccentric elegance: a bedroom for the dog.

Turin: apartment with dog suite

Fabio Fantolino, an architect in Turin, designed the interior of a luxury apartment named “Case e Segreti”. “Segreti”, because there are lots of hidden secrets in the home: the bathroom furnishings; the fireplace; the point where the floors and walls intersect... even the two pillars in the middle of the living room, which conceal technical installations serving the apartment building.
“Case e Segreti” is a project in which aesthetic considerations are at the service of practical ones. Apart from one feature: the dog has its very own room!

But what the home is really all about is contrast: contrast between the large living area and the cosy, intimate bedrooms; contrast between the white walls of the kitchen and the antique wooden sideboard; contrast between the rough concrete showing signs left by the formworks in the bathroom and the white bathroom fixtures; contrast between resin and brown oak. Contrast, in short. And a dog suite.

Francesco Cibati

Design: Fabio Fantolino
Location: Turin, Italy
Year: 2013
Photographer: Fabrizio Carraro
