Tag Granitifiandre

Green, the trendy colour for surface coverings and furnishings, with all the fascination of Fiandre marbles


Green, the trendy colour for surface coverings and furnishings, with all the fascination of Fiandre marbles

The natural beauty of green and the unique aesthetic properties of marble come together in high-tech ceramics to create a particularly prestigious surface covering and decorating solution.  In its vast Marmi Maximum catalogue, Fiandre Architectural Surfaces offers a large selection of creative materials for customised spaces with great appeal, as a total look or in mix and match combinations

Marmi Maximum: beauty and flexibility for unique customised design


Marmi Maximum: beauty and flexibility for unique customised design

The technical and aesthetic performance of Fiandre Architectural Surfaces’s Marmi Maximum slabs is perfect for covering surfaces of all kinds, producing customised elements of design, installations and furnishings. Unique properties such as luminosity, wealth of detail and refined veining add to the material’s perceived value and give a precious original atmosphere to spaces

Fiandre ceramic surfaces: marble-effect floors, walls and custom furnishings


Fiandre ceramic surfaces: marble-effect floors, walls and custom furnishings

New sizes and original solutions in green and white are among the new additions to the Fiandre Architectural Surfaces catalogue of materials for covering floors, walls and custom-designed architectural elements. The reduced thickness of Fiandre high-tech ceramic continues to evolve in interior design, offering a concrete response for residential, commercial and public spaces. Marmi Maximum further refines its range with sustainable submultiples such as 270x120 and 120x120 cm: practical solutions with no waste or cutting scrap, ideal for underlining and improving the habitability of indoor spaces

Fiandre ceramic maxi-slabs: the attraction of teal Amazonite 


Fiandre ceramic maxi-slabs: the attraction of teal Amazonite 

Fiandre Architectural Surfaces expands its vast range of Maximum marbles with an original new material, teal Amazonite, inspired by the stone known to the Egyptians as the “stone of hope”. This refined surface covering of great decorative power and broad appeal underlines the unique qualities of ceramic maxi-slabs, such as light weight, flexibility and easy cleaning

Fiandre high-tech ceramic for simple, bright, custom-designed spaces


Fiandre high-tech ceramic for simple, bright, custom-designed spaces

Just a few items of furniture and skilful use of light are enough to improve the quality of our everyday lives with minimalist spaces that reflect our tastes and establish our own style. Fiandre ceramic surfaces play a key role in determining atmosphere, adding elegance and charm, as in the Roc de Bourgogne and Rock Salt Maximum collections

Improving the use of space in today’s new living spaces: Maximum maxi-slabs


Improving the use of space in today’s new living spaces: Maximum maxi-slabs

Our relationship with the spaces we live in is a priority of design, especially now that our social and personal habits are changing. One very important design solution is use of high-tech ceramic maxi-slabs such as GranitiFiandre’s Maximum: the perfect combination of technical performance and aesthetic qualities, in a product that responds to many of the requirements of daily living

Natural materials and traditional architecture: the timeless charm of the new Fiandre collections


Natural materials and traditional architecture: the timeless charm of the new Fiandre collections

Expressive wealth is the common feature shared by the new ceramics from GranitiFiandre, surfaces perfect for residential, commercial and public projects alike. Roc de Bourgogne and Solida are now added to the Rock Salt Maximum, White Beauty and Grey Beauty maxi-slabs to bring new energy, wealth of detail and brightness to spaces. Inspired by natural materials and traditional architecture, Fiandre porcelain is confirmed as a unique, innovative creative laboratory for today’s architecture and interior design projects

The living room, between traditional and contemporary


The living room, between traditional and contemporary

Large sizes, original aesthetic effects and light as the key element in the home: these are only a few of the most important new developments in surface coverings for the living room made possible by the evolution of technical porcelain. Collections such as GranitiFiandre’s Hq.resin and Magneto translate the power of resins and cements into innovative architectural solutions combining the traditional with the contemporary in original and sustainable ways

White and Grey Beauty: the beauty and originality of the new Marmi Maximum products


White and Grey Beauty: the beauty and originality of the new Marmi Maximum products

The aesthetic of marble has always played a key role in the tradition of coverings throughout the world. With a glance back at the past to help pave the way towards the future, GranitiFiandre is extending its range of surfaces in technical ceramics with the addition of two new, original textures: White Beauty and Grey Beauty. With their sophisticated, exotic look, the two large tile surfaces perfectly enhance spaces and furniture with their eye-catching, immediate visual impact

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