
Fiandre high-tech ceramic for simple, bright, custom-designed spaces


contemporary, Minimalism,

Porcelain Tile, Stone,

Grandi formati, GranitiFiandre,

Just a few items of furniture and skilful use of light are enough to improve the quality of our everyday lives with minimalist spaces that reflect our tastes and establish our own style. Fiandre ceramic surfaces play a key role in determining atmosphere, adding elegance and charm, as in the Roc de Bourgogne and Rock Salt Maximum collections

Fiandre high-tech ceramic for simple, bright, custom-designed spaces
The architectural vocabulary of spaces for everyday use is in most cases based on harmonious use of three elements: light, surfaces and furnishings.
Essential components of the minimalist mood, these three basic aspects of design can give any space in the home a cosy, relaxing or convivial atmosphere.
These apparently simple factors conceal unlimited expressive potential and, above all, an ability to be original and personal in any setting, from the living room to the kitchen, from the bedroom to the bathroom, as well as outdoor spaces both large and small.
The choice of surface coverings may be considered the key to minimalist design, permitting, for example, balancing of the colours and shapes of furnishings, conveying and promoting the impact of light in spaces.
Beautiful high-tech ceramic surfaces add to the variety available to designers, with catalogues that have been expanded to include a variety of different effects, modules, colours, finishes, patterns and special pieces.
Let us take the choice of colour, for example: ceramic surfaces can create contrasts, blend in with the furnishings, or emphasise a particular dominant hue. The principal trends in ceramic surfaces in recent years have featured a wide range of neutral hues permitting choice of a variety of different furnishing styles, facilitating interior restyling projects.
Light is of course a key factor in determining the atmosphere of spaces: in this case too, the different finishes of high-tech ceramic and maxi-slabs permit creation of brightly light spaces underlining the wealth of detail of their surface textures.
In addition to a vast range of colours, high-tech ceramic now reproduces all the principal covering materials: stone, marble, wood, resin and concrete. 
The GranitiFiandre catalogue (link) offers an example of quality and creativity applied to the world of ceramics.
Drawing on the Iris Ceramica Group’s decades of know-how (link), GranitiFiandre explores all today’s covering trends using cutting-edge technology and the inventiveness of Italian design. The result is a product combining resistance, inalterability and versatility to respond to the needs of contemporary design.
This permits new interior design solutions reinterpreting classic materials with a contemporary twist, or presenting materials with a bold expressive and decorative component such as Agata Maximum gemstones (link).
The rigour and power of minimalist style stands out particularly in a number of recent Fiandre collections, such as Roc de Bourgogne (link) and Rock Salt (link).
Roc de Bourgogne (link) is inspired by the famous stone of Burgundy, where various examples of application of the stone may be found, particularly in the buildings of Dijon.
A stone of timeless beauty, it is reproduced by GranitiFiandre in "a collection with an appearance that is authentic to the touch and that perfectly interprets the appeal of the original texture with a cutting-edge surface that has all the advantages of porcelain tile".
The collection consists of three neutral hues that may be adapted to suit a variety of interiors with a “clouding” effect that adds interest to their surfaces, as in the natural stone that inspires the collection. 
Roc Beige is offered in warm yet sophisticated colours, while Roc Gris is an intermediate solution, in a shade of grey reminiscent of a "leaden autumn sky", and Roc Blanc is a pale shade with the ethereal consistency of ice, perfect for adding life to light-filled spaces.
Rock Salt Maximum (link) is a collection of immediate appeal, expressed through a wide-ranging colour palette recalling the crystalline appearance of sea salt.
"The texture of the surfaces is inspired by blocks of Himalayan pink salt, containing big cubic crystals, with their delicate transparency and contrasting hues".
Rock Salt Maximum comes in four colours inspired by the hues of salt, which depends on the minerals it contains: White, Pink, Grey and Brown.
The purest sea salt is a bright white in colour, while pink adds a note of warmth with the hues of Himalayan and Australian salt.
The cool grey of Breton salt "communicates prestige and elegance, combining contemporary design with refinement", while brown Indian salt gives interiors a refined, cosy feel.
Adding to the potential of this composition, the maxi-slab format and a glossy finish make Rock Salt Maximum ideal for use in residential projects as well as public places, hotels and shops. Its reduced thickness adds to its possible applications in design, with exclusive custom-designed objects and furnishings.

Marco Privato