
MVRDV Kwantes house in Rotterdam

MVRDV, Winy Maas,

Ossip van Duivenbode,


Apartment, Ville, Residences,

Privacy and outdoor life are the requests the clients presented to the architects of MVRDV for the home they completed recently in Rotterdam, a project worth discovering on the other side of the wall.

MVRDV Kwantes house in Rotterdam

A white brick wall defines the confines of the Kwantes house without revealing the home’s true soul to passers-by. When seen from the street, the volume of the home, a solid block with few openings, seems to occupy the entire surface of the lot. The door has a slight curve as if to invite visitors to enter, and once they pass through a shaded area, guests discover the true strong point of the home: the curve in its southern wall, built to frame an ancient olive tree, and the way the home is open to daylight.
The curved floor-to-ceiling windows on this side of the home are the only thing separating it from the back garden. The house lives in symbiosis with nature, and the garden becomes an integral part of the home itself, like a new room that changes every day, taking on new colours with every season.

The architects of MVRDV fully satisfied the clients’ requests, building a home made to measure for them, combining privacy and isolation with life outdoors. The clients’ healthy lifestyle is also reflected in their preference for a responsible approach, while the technological and architectural solutions adopted ensure that the home is self-sufficient. Heat dispersion through the windows is amply balanced by a geothermal heat pump and solar panels, while the slight overhang of the two levels provides shade for the ground-floor living area.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Design: MVRDV
Team: Winy Maas, Jacob van Rijs, Nathalie de Vries, Frans de Witte, Herman Gaarman, Arjen Ketting and Brygida Zawadzka
Location: Rotterdam, Netherlands
Images courtesy of MVRDV, photo by Ossip van Duivenbode
