
MSA/V+ Special Mention for Emerging Architects EU Mies Award 2017

MSA, V+,

Serge Brison,

Brussels, Schaarbeek, Belgium, Amsterdam,

Housing, Bar, Residences, Condos,

Award, Prize,

The need to offer a high quality architectural solution to the problem of social housing was the focus of the 2017 edition of the Mies van der Rohe Award, both in the main award and in the special mention for emerging architects, awarded to the MSA/V+ studios for the Navez project, 5 social houses in Schaarbeek – Brussels.

MSA/V+ Special Mention for Emerging Architects EU Mies Award 2017

The 2017 edition of the European Union Award for Contemporary Architecture focuses on the problem of social housing that is affecting Europe, by highlighting virtuous examples of urban redevelopment. In both award categories the winners were projects for collective housing.

The main Mies Van der Rohe Award 2017, as we mentioned previously, was given to a project to renovate a housing complex named deFlat Kleiburg, created by NL Architects and XVW architectuur in Amsterdam, while the special mention for emerging architects also went to a project for collective housing. The winners were the architects of the MSA/V+ studios with their design for Navez, 5 social homes created in Schaarbeek, Brussels.
The MSA/V+ design provides a high quality architectural solution to the needs of the client: Schaarbeek council. The architects created five apartments for large families within the constructive and economic limits imposed by the site and the context, a corner building. Located at the entry to the city and integrated in the district, Navez is an “emblematic&rdquo work that meets the client’s needs for a building to represents their urban renewal programme at the gateway to the city.

The awards ceremony will take place on 26th May at the Mies van der Rohe pavilion in Barcelona on theEU Mies Award Day.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Project: MSA / V+
Architects: Jean-Marc Simon (BE); Alain Simon (BE); Benoit Moritz (BE); Julien Deloffre (FR); Thierry Decuypere (BE)
Place: Schaarbeek, Belgium
Photos: Serge Brison
