
The Japanese House. Architecture and life after 1945

Toyo Ito, Shigeru Ban, Kazuyo Sejima,

Rome, London,

Residences, Bar, Apartment,


The Japanese House. Architecture and life after 1945, the exhibition that opened on November 8 at MAXXI in Rome, takes visitors on a voyage of discovery of Japanese culture through home architecture and how it is interpreted by more than 50 Japanese architects.

The Japanese House. Architecture and life after 1945

Homes designed by renowned masters of Japanese architecture such as Kenzo Tange, Toyo Ito, Kazuyo Sejima and Shigeru Ban and by important architects and young professionals from the Land of the Rising Sun are presented in The Japanese House, an exhibition under way at Maxxi in Rome co-produced with the Japan Foundation, London’s Barbican Centre and the National Museum of Modern Art in Tokyo, with an installation designed by Atelier Bow-Wow divided into fourteen theme areas.
Starting with constructions made right after the Second World War and ending with the most recent examples, the single-family home is presented and studied as a key element of Japanese architecture and culture through the works of three generations of architects. The essential features of living in Japan are summed up in a number of fragments appearing in sequence at the start of the exhibition, including a video by artist Kogonada about the work of Japanese director Yasujiro Ozu and the uneasy relationship between tradition and modernity, and a 17th century painting by Morikage Kusumi focusing on continuity between the space of the home and the landscape outside, extending into various fields of Japanese culture and looking at the relationship between different generations of architects.
After the experience of Rome, the exhibition The Japanese House goes to the Barbican Centre in London March 23 through June 25, 2017 and from there to the National Museum of Modern Art in Tokyo in the summer of 2017.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Title: The Japanese House. Architettura e vita dal 1945 a oggi
Dates: November 9 2016 through February 26 2017
Curators: Pippo Ciorra (Maxxi, Rome) with Kenjiro Hosaka (National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo), Florence Ostende (Barbican Centre, London) with the consultancy of Yoshiharu Tsukamoto (Atelier Bow-Wow / Tokyo Institute of Technology),
based on an idea by Kenjiro Hosaka and Yoshiharu Tsukamoto.
Location: MAXXI, Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI Secolo, Rome - Italy
