Iris Ceramica Group chose CERSAIE 2019, the international exhibition of Italian-made ceramics for architecture and bathroom furnishings, to present the newly-formed Iris Ceramica Group Foundation to the public and the press. Solidarity, Sustainability, Competence and Culture are the four keywords used by Federica Minozzi, CEO of the holding company, to describe the past, present and future of the group.

The Iris Ceramica Group Foundation presented at CERSAIE 2019

CERSAIE saw the announcement of the Iris Ceramica Group Foundation, a non-profit organisation committed to promoting the protection of the environment, development and social cohesion by disseminating ethical guidelines for conduct applicable to companies and individuals alike. The official presentation was made on two separate occasions: the first, on 22 September on the exceptional backdrop of the Military Academy of Modena as part of the ICG Global Corporate Conference, an event reserved for a broadly representative segment of the holding company’s stakeholders; the second, on 24 September during CERSAIE, for the annual press conference held by Federica Minozzi, CEO of the holding company. This marked a significant moment as, whilst presenting the company's latest products, the CEO of Iris Ceramica Group was able to dwell on the keywords of the Foundation’s programme: Solidarity, Sustainability, Competence, Culture. The 4 keywords establish a substantial continuity of values with the company’s way of doing business, even in the past, at the wishes of its enlightened founder, Romano Minozzi.

Sustainability is a fundamental part of our strategy and our corporate culture; it defines not just how we do things, but also who we are. It is also an essential requirement for safeguarding the planet and society as a whole”. Federica Minozzi’s statement introduced one of the keywords to talk about the past, present and future of Iris Ceramica Group: sustainability, with a dual meaning of both environmental and social sustainability.
The Foundation publicly endorses the holding company’s commitment to provide its contribution to building a sustainable future. A commitment that has been implemented at all levels. In terms of the production sector, for example, the Group has developed products which actively contribute to reducing indoor and outdoor pollutants, such as its Active Clean Air & Antibacterial Ceramic™ technology. At the same time, Iris Ceramica Group has invested in developing production technology that has made it possible to reduce polluting emissions into the atmosphere. In spring 2019, Federica Minozzi, CEO of the Iris Ceramica Group, announced the important milestone reached by the holding company: zero-impact production for the large slab factory in Castellarano, with operations falling well within the parameters set by the recent climate change summit held in New York. Proof of how a concern for sustainability is built into the company’s very DNA and not the result of international obligations.
Continuing along the path laid out by the company, the Iris Ceramica Group Foundation will support the mangrove reforestation programme and other projects organised by The Nature Conservancy, so as to help to improve air quality and defend these delicate ecosystems. On the social sustainability and solidarity front, the company will launch projects including health screenings, training courses and scholarships for its employees, whilst at the same time continuing with its commitment to support local health and two initiatives aimed at women and children, through the international organisations Save the Children and Action Aid.

Competence and Culture, from the promotion of the international Next Landmark contest to The Architect Series, developed with The Plan magazine, to the Floornature portal itself, there are a great many cultural areas that are benefiting from the company’s commitment to promoting an architectural culture. This commitment is supported by training courses and constant dialogue with architectural partners in order to help to build healthy environments to live and work in, anticipating people’s needs and their new lifestyles. The holding company has also provided constant support for important cultural initiatives such as the “In Principio (e poi)” exhibition at the Vatican Museum, the Italian pavilion curated by architect Mario Cucinella at the Venice Biennale in 2018, the Pollution 2018 RefleAction event, with SOS School of Sustainability, and the inauguration of the Historical Museum as part of the network of Business Museums.
A constant commitment across many areas to support a company vision which, as highlighted by Federica Minozzi in her press conference, means that they “offer solutions” rather than simply “supplying products”. A role capable of inspiring a responsible level of awareness within the business world in order to look to the future whilst protecting the present.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Images courtesy of Iris Ceramica Group