
Expo Milano 2015 is closing - best of the week news

Milan, USA, Estonia, United Arab Emirates,

Pavilions, Kindergartens, Sport & Wellness, Gallery, Expo,

At the time of the last weekend of Expo Milano 2015, these are the projects of the pavilions presented by Floornature and the articles devoted by the portal to the Milan Universal Exhibition of 2015.

Expo Milano 2015 is closing - best of the week news

Expo Milano 2015 will close once and for all this weekend.Together with the leading players of Expo, the national and other pavilions of which we have presented the architectural projects, on the pages of Floornature and Livegreenblog, we have followed the Universal Exhibition, telling about it with specific hashtags posted live from the Expo Milano 2015 site and with three dedicated routes to: the low-cost places, the excursions that can be made in a day from Milan and the design restaurants where to have supper during the Expo.

Let us run rapidly through the articles published by Floornature with the projects of the national and other pavilions that have struck us most:
Angola Pavilion
Austria Pavilion
Azerbaijan Pavilion
Brazil Pavilion
United Arab Emirates Pavilion
Estonia Pavilion
Germany Pavilion
Japan Pavilion
Italy Pavilion
Malaysia Pavilion
Nepal Pavilion
Qatar Pavilion
United Kingdom Pavilion
Russia Pavilion
Spain Pavilion
Slovenia Pavilion
Hungary Pavilion
USA Pavilion

The Future Food District
The SlowFood Pavilion
The New Holland Pavilion