
Innovation and creativity. Porcelaingres ceramic surfaces for versatile, dynamic spaces

contemporary, Interior Floor, Exterior Floor, Design,

Metal, Porcelain Tile, Stone, Cement,

Interior Design, Living,

Today’s collections of ceramic surfaces stand out for their dynamism, easy mixing and matching, and wealth of detail: floor and wall coverings appropriate for a wide range of contemporary spaces, as demonstrated by Porcelaingres’s proposals for indoor and outdoor spaces

Innovation and creativity. Porcelaingres ceramic surfaces for versatile, dynamic spaces
Versatility is a keyword in the world of contemporary surfaces.
A dynamic world always in search of new solutions for living, thanks to proposals that are often capable of anticipating the trends and dictating the guidelines for interior decoration.
The new covering materials, including high-tech ceramics, represent the truly great new development of our times, thanks to their unique combination of beauty and strength, variety of hue and inalterability.

The catalogues of the best makers of high-tech porcelain slabs, such as the Iris Ceramica Group, a world leader in the field, represent a true voyage through the world of creativity and variety of material effects.
Wood, marble, stone, concrete and resin are only a few of the most innovative effects reproduced in ceramics reinterpreting and updating materials from the classical and contemporary traditions, enhanced by the technical performance of porcelain slabs.
This variety of choice translates into a great opportunity to redefine the design of our homes, shops and offices, as well as outdoor spaces both large and small, and the renovation projects which are particularly popular at the moment.
Design of covering materials with a focus on versatility, as in the case of high-tech ceramics, makes it possible to create a particular atmosphere in your spaces with the utmost creative freedom.
Easily matched with furnishings, ceramics allow you to change the style of your home and customise spaces without further work on surfaces.
All this is made possible by the aesthetic properties of high-tech ceramics, starting with a colour range based on refined neutral colours abounding in hues and details, a plurality of finishes and sizes, and the presence of special pieces.
As good examples of the versatility and beauty of ceramics, we present two of the collections by Porcelaingres, a dynamic young brand that draws on the decades of experience of its parent company, the Iris Ceramica Group.
Urban and Radical are two surfaces offering very different effects and styles, both surfaces in which high-tech ceramic reveals all its qualities for matching and practicality.

Inspired by concrete, Urban is, as its name suggests, a material for the city, "The cement of secure and enduring foundations beneath our feet on which the city rests and where our lives unfold".
The six delicate hues in the range, from the palest White to the darkest Anthracite, convey a sense of visual power and character that goes with any style.

Radical is a Porcelaingres surface with a "a laminated effect and rusty flames". Its lived-in look is an explicit reference to industrial settings and the styles inspired by them.
The collection offers "alternative combinations and clever contrasts for customers who are always more style-savvy and demanding," open to the latest developments in ceramics.

Marco Privato