
Seravezza Fotografia - Franco Fontana retrospective


Bar, Expo,


The thirteenth Seravezza Fotografia will be held from 6 February to 10 April 2016 in Seravezza, Versilia (Lucca).

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  3. Seravezza Fotografia - Franco Fontana retrospective

Seravezza Fotografia - Franco Fontana retrospective The thirteenth Seravezza Fotografia will be held from 6 February to 10 April 2016 in Seravezza, Versilia (Lucca). This year's event pays tribute to photographer Franco Fontana with the retrospective entitled “Full color. Polaroid e astrazioni architettoniche”. (Polaroids and architectural abstractions)

A national and international event hosted in the rooms of Palazzo Mediceo, UNESCO heritage-listed building in Seravezza, and organised by the Fondazione Terre Medicee, the department of Culture of the Servezza Municipality, with the sponsorship of the Italian federation of photography associations (Federazione Italiana Associazioni Fotografiche - FIAF) and art direction by Ivo Balderi. 

On the heels of photography greats like Walter Rosenblum, Gianni Berengo Gardin, Joel Peter Witkin, Erwin Olaf, James Nachtwey, Romano Cagnoni, Bart Herreman, Frank Horvat and Francesco Cito this year is the turn of Franco Fontana's artwork.

Fontana was one of the first Italian photographers to come down in favour of colour photos, to the point where colour is what actually stands out in his shots. As exhibition curator Denis Curti explains, in the landscape photographs displayed in the exhibition, the real subject is colour, which can transform and humanise the landscape. So, this is an artistic break with the rules, articulated in a range of theme sections. From his early landscapes in the '60s to the urban landscapes, and through to swimming pools and the sea, to end with the room dedicated to polaroids from the late '80s and a selection of snapshots created for “Expo: vista d'autore” (expo through the creator's eyes).

A dive into the photographic vision of a great master in the Italian scene, set against the unique backdrop of the Palazzo Mediceo in Seravezza, which deserves a visit already on its own, of course in addition to the multitude of side events running alongside the key exhibition.

Christiane Bürklein

Seravezza Fotografia - http://www.seravezzafotografia.it/
6 February to 10 April 2016
Seravezza (Lucca), Italy
Images: © Franco Fontana, courtesy of Seravezza Fotografia