
Livegreenblog and the closing of EXPO Milano 2015

Gianluca Giordano,

Milan, United Arab Emirates,


EXPO Milano 2015, Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life has ended.

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Livegreenblog and the closing of EXPO Milano 2015 EXPO Milano 2015, Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life has ended. We experienced the Expo as a big party that exposed us to the many worlds of our planet, all grouped together in Milan.

It feels like the EXPO Milano 2015 world fair opened just yesterday. Six short months where we had the opportunity to visit and explore pavilions and themes, as our readers know very well 

The last one we visited just the other evening was the Germany pavilion. A queue of exactly 60 minutes, as announced, and one which was totally worth it, because here we had a hands-on experience of something that each and every one of us can do to guarantee the future of our planet. And we're not talking about stratospheric solutions, but simple everyday actions by ordinary people like us. From beekeeping in Berlin to young people planting trees, from farmers who keep their land healthy for sustainable production, to the chef who wholesome healthy ingredients and a balcony garden - these are all feasible examples for sustainable living

Everything told like a story, immersed in an interactive installation thanks to the “seedboards” and all the theme stations, based on the tagline “Be active”, of the Germany pavilion, and with plenty of room for children and young people. Solutions that were very well-received and tested, and satisfied the children as well. 
Because while we're on the subject of the future, if we want to arrive at real change to improve our planet, the true yardstick must of course be the new generations; as the famous saying goes “We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children”.

An important reflection, given that despite the many eye-catching pavilions, EXPO Milano 2015 is not an Architecture Biennial or even a science festival - it's a world fair. An event for anyone and everyone, irrespective of their cultural or social background, on a truly topical theme, namely the history of mankind and the production of food combining tradition and innovation: “Feeding the planet, Energy for Life”. 

We had lots of fun, we saw some really new ideas, different approaches to these crucial themes and now we're looking forward to the 2020 Expo in the United Arab Emirates, “Connecting minds. Creating the Future”. My daughter has already told me she wants to go!

Christiane Bürklein

Expo Milano 2015
Images: © Gianluca Giordano, © Christiane Bürklein
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