
Architecture and landscape: Mostra “Lookout. Architecture with a view”


Paris, Basel, Switzerland,




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Architecture and landscape: Mostra “Lookout. Architecture with a view”
S AM, Swiss Architecture Museum in Basel, is exhibiting “Architecture with a view” from 9 November 2013 to 9 February 2014 to showcase lookouts and towers built during the last 15 years for visual and sustainable use of the land.

The desire to gaze at the landscape from a privileged vantage point dates back to the Renaissance, as testified by the various “belvederes” constructed in sites of special natural interest and later on by the Eiffel tower in Paris, which to all intents and purposes falls into the currently very important “urban marketing”, category.

S AM, the Swiss architecture museum is exhibiting more recent examples of this architectural topology as a driving force in “showcasing” nature in its strictest sense, as well as its interaction with the urban context.

So what makes these landmarks – often real aesthetic gems such appealing design opportunities, treasured also by starchitects? Basically, they allow architects to create works that reconnect people with the territory in a non-invasive context based on awe and respect, the foundation ofsustainable tourism.

The exhibition displays projects of great architectural value, which trigger the desire to actually experience the charm of each single structure.

Exhibition: Lookout. Architecture with a view
Where: S AM Swiss Architecture Museum, Basel, Switzerland http://www.sam-basel.org
Dates: 9 November 2013 – 9 February 2014
Photography: Courtesy of S AM, all rights reserved
Catalogue edited by Christian Merian Verlag

Tiger and Turtle - Magic Mountain. Heike Mutter und Ulrich Genth, Duisburg, Deutschland, 2011, Foto: © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn, 2012 Foto/photo: Heike Mutter und Ulrich Genth 
Reussdeltaturm - Gion A. Caminada, Seedorf, Uri, Schweiz, 2012, Foto/photo: © Lucia Degonda, Zürich
Forest Tower – SeARCH, Putten, Niederlande, 2009, Foto/photo: © Jeroen Musch
Trollstigen - Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter as, Romsdalen, Norwegen, 2012, Foto/photo: © diephotodesigner.de
Norwegian Wild Reindeer Centre Pavilion, Snøhetta, Hjerkinn, Norwegen, 2011, Foto/photo: © Ketil Jacobson
Sohlbergplassen Viewpoint, Carl-Viggo Hølmebakk AS Arkitektkontor, Nasjonale Turistveger, Stor-Elvdal, Norwegen, 2005, Foto/photo: © Carl-Viggo Hølmebakk
Matteo Thun’scher Gucker - Matteo Thun & Partners, Die Gärten von Schloss Trauttmansdorff, Meran, Italien, 2005 Foto/photo: © Die Gärten von Schloss Trauttmansdorff