Tag Public Buildings

Haz Arquitectura, good building practices for the community


Haz Arquitectura, good building practices for the community

A knowledgeable combination of positive impact for the local community and reduced environmental footprint: this is the new Trinitat Vella Centre for Community Life on the outskirts of Barcelona, designed by the Haz Arquitectura studio. Passive architecture is the key element of a public complex offering social, health and cultural functions.

David Chipperfield Architects completed Morland Mixité Capitale in Paris


David Chipperfield Architects completed Morland Mixité Capitale in Paris

The former Préfecture de Paris, the building that housed the city administration for years, has undergone a major renovation completed by David Chipperfield Architects Berlin. Originally completed around 1960 by architect Albert Laprade, the large scale of the building made it appear closed off and inaccessible. The project conceived by David Chipperfield Architects Berlin, instead, revitalised and transformed the complex into the new "Morland Mixité Capitale" as part of the "Réinventer Paris" programme.

Rafiq Azam: Mayor Mohammad Hanif Jame Mosque, Dhaka


Rafiq Azam: Mayor Mohammad Hanif Jame Mosque, Dhaka

His first mosque project, Mayor Mohammad Hanif Jame Mosque in Dhaka, offers Rafiq Azam an opportunity to create a place of worship that is also a centre for civic society. The contemporary idiom of Rafiq Azam’s work is grafted onto the building tradition of Bengal.




Perhaps never before as in this period the city has been at the center of the unanimity of reflections and re-evaluations, partly caused by the need to find adaptive strategies facing climate change and migratory flows, and partly due to a pandemic that has shaken certainties, questioning life and work’s usual practices.

Nizio Design International: Mausoleum of Martyrdom in Michniów


Nizio Design International: Mausoleum of Martyrdom in Michniów

Speaking about the Mausoleum of the Martyrdom of Polish Villages in Michniów, Mirosław Nizio says that seeing the photographs of the houses on fire left him with the visceral feeling that he had been transported back to the time of the Nazi massacre. This was the starting point for his design for a memorial.

H&P Architects: Revitalisation of the Mao Khe Mining Park, Vietnam


H&P Architects: Revitalisation of the Mao Khe Mining Park, Vietnam

Thanks to a design by H&P Architects, the Mao Khe Mining Park in Vietnam has been redeveloped and opened up to the city: by using reclaimed materials salvaged from old attractions, now dismantled, the new green square is home to multiple spaces equipped for collective activities.

SOM Skidmore, Owings & Merrill - Manhattan West renovates Far West Side in New York


SOM Skidmore, Owings & Merrill - Manhattan West renovates Far West Side in New York

Manhattan West, a complex of six mixed-use buildings designed in large part by the Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM) studio and developed by Brookfield Properties was officially inaugurated on September 28. An adventure that originally began thirty years ago, the first development programme to transform the unused space located above the active railway lines, an essential point in the pedestrian paths that connect New York’s West Side, in fact goes back to 1990.

SHAU: Alun-alun Kejaksan Square, Cirebon, Indonesia


SHAU: Alun-alun Kejaksan Square, Cirebon, Indonesia

Lots of different places on a single site: this is how we might describe the importance of this social cohesion project by Dutch studio SHAU in Alun-alun Kejaksan Square in Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia.

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