
Pedevilla Architekten Pliscia 13 home in Pieve di Marebbe

Housing, Offices, Factories, Residences, Ville, Sport & Wellness,

Cement, Wood,


A home built by Pedevilla Architekten has won the public award and the first prize in the "housing" category at the 7th Alto Adige Architecture Award.

Pedevilla Architekten Pliscia 13 home in Pieve di Marebbe

In Pieve di Marebbe, in the heart of the Dolomites, Pedevilla Architekten has planned a renovation project for a "Viles", a type of farmhouse traditional in the Ladino area, a descendent of the “tambra”, the oldest form of Alpine dwelling.

The building sits gently on the side of the hill, with two offset volumes; the structure presents all the features typical of traditional local constructions such as a gabled roof, a loggia and a wooden façade, freely reinterpreted by architects Alexander Pedevilla and Armin Pedevilla (Pedevilla Architekten).

Applying the concept of sustainability and conscious use of resources, the architects used local materials (Dolomite rock for the bare concrete, solid Swiss stone pine and larch) and gave the home the latest high-tech systems for use of photovoltaic and geothermal energy to make the building self-sufficient.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Design: Pedevilla Architekten (Alexander Pedevilla + Armin Pedevilla)
Kitchen design by Trias arredamenti bulthaup Merano
Location: Marebbe (BZ), Italy
Images: © Gustav Ludwig Willeit
