
Nightscape Exhibition 2050 - Lighting Planners Associates, Aedes Gallery, Berlin

Hong Kong, Singapore,

Media Library, Museums, Sport & Wellness, Gallery,

Forum, Exhibition,

The Aedes Gallery in Berlin presents the travelling exhibition Nightscape 2050 - a dialogue between cities, light and people in future - dedicated to the work of the Japanese architectural studio Lighting Planners Associates. It then goes on to Singapore, Hong Kong and Tokyo.

Nightscape Exhibition 2050 - Lighting Planners Associates, Aedes Gallery, Berlin

In occasion of the UNESCO initiative which declared 2015 as The International Year of Light and technology based on lights, the Aedes Gallery in Berlin presents the travelling exhibition  Nightscape 2050 – a dialogue between cities, light and people in future created to celebrate the architectural studio Lighting Planners Associates' 25th year of activity.

The exhibition explores the interaction between people, light and the city through the works of the LPA studio such as the Tokyo International Forum in Tokyo, the Mediateca Sendai in Miyagi, the Nagasaki Peace Memorial, the Prefectural Art Museum in Oita and others. Through seminars and workshops for adults and children the LPA architects present imaginary future scenarios for a hypothetical 2050 exploring both the possible changes in human living places due to the use of artificial lighting based on LED, OLED and laser technology etc., and the problems connected to the energy consumption that will be needed to maintain the source material for artificial light.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Title: Nightscape 2050 – a dialogue between cities, light and people in future  
Lighting Planners Associates
Date: 7 August – 1 October 2015
Location: Aedes Gallery, Berlin, Germany
Images courtesy of Aedes Gallery Berlin
