
FAB One Night communication photography video architecture design

Nicola Borgmann, Paolo Schianchi,

Munich, Milan,



FAB Architectural Bureau, Luca Gnizio, Photography,

The last event in the 2016 One Night series, organised by the Floornature team in partnership with FAB Architectural Bureau Milano, took place on November 24. Here we quickly review all the One Night events held in Fiandre and Porcelaingres’s exhibition space in 2016, as covered in the pages of Floornature and Livegreenblog.

FAB One Night communication photography video architecture design

The calendar of events organised by the Floornature team for FAB Architectural Bureau Milano for the year 2016 ended on November 24. At each of the events FAB presented itself to the public in a different set-up designed by architect Paolo Schianchi illustrating the versatility of Fiandre maxi-slabs used in different ways: as supporting surfaces, unusual walkable screens, protective surfaces or pedestals.

The first event in the series was “Grazia Gamberoni and Oscar G. Colli. Una rivoluzione silenziosa nell’editoria italiana (A silent revolution in Italian publishing)”, focusing on communication in a homage to two key figures for the success of publishing about the bathroom sector.

Luigi Bussolati: la pelle del mondo. La fotografia come esercizio dello sguardo da Bach a Instagram (Luigi Bussolati: the skin of the world. Photography as an exercise of the eyes, from Bach to Instagram)”, the second One Night event, focused on photography with the participation of photographer Luigi Bussolati and Pamela Campaner of Expowall, exploring the relationship between digital photography and Instagram, touching on themes such as copyright and therefore use/abuse of images with the advent of social media.

The third event in the series, "Il design in movimento. Esperienze audiovisive di Francesco Faccin, Matteo Ferroni, Emilio Tremolada (Design in movement. Audiovisual Experiences by Francesco Faccin, Matteo Ferroni and Emilio Tremolada)”, focused on video as a means for the expression, communication and study of design in the new media and social networks.
The fourth One Night event, “ L’architettura della contingenza. L’esperienza di Monaco di Baviera a cura di Nicola Borgmann (Contingency architecture. The Munich experience by Nicola Borgmann)” touched on a theme of great relevance today, architecture as a welcome and as an expression of the new social and territorial relationships that are changing our cities.
Lastly, in the fifth and last One Night event, “Eco-Social Design: Luca Gnizio” focusing on design, Luca Gnizio presented his recent studies for ethical, conscientious design with a reduced environmental impact.

(Agnese Bifulco)
