
POSTPONED: Iris Ceramica Group webinars - Promoting architecture - Tik Tok and personal branding

Paolo Schianchi, Christiane Bürklein,

Iris Ceramica Group, Event,


The Iris Ceramica Group’s online communications and training programme now includes innovative proposals for the world of communications and social media. The intention is to offer architects important tools for presenting their work and learning to manage public relations online using the new media. As demonstrated by the events of recent months, these strategic tools become even more important when it is impossible to have a direct personal relationship or travel to meet potential new clients who are physically distant from us.

POSTPONED: Iris Ceramica Group webinars - Promoting architecture - Tik Tok and personal branding



Iris Ceramica Group, a world leader in the design, production and distribution of top-of-the-range ceramics for residential, commercial and industrial construction projects, continues to offer its innovative webinars. The group of companies has always had an all-round approach to architecture, not limiting itself to proposals focusing on knowledge and technical preparation in the field of ceramics, the company’s core business, but offering important new tools for architects. Here are two proposals in the spirit of the words of Iris Ceramica Group founder Romano Minozzi: “The past will not come back, and the future holds great things for those who innovate and rethink their concepts, and therefore their way of working”. This is the goal of the two new proposals: offering architects important tools that will help them innovate in their way of working, drawing on ideas and strategies from the world of communications and social media. The intention is to offer architects important tools for presenting their work and learning to manage public relations online using the new media. As demonstrated by the events of recent months, these strategic tools become even more important when it is impossible to have a direct personal relationship or travel to meet potential new clients who are physically distant from us.

The following events calendar has been postponed:

30 July: Personal Branding: aumentare la propria presenza sul Web - Boosting your presence on the Web - language: Italian
Speaker: Christiane Bürklein
With the participation of: Paolo Schianchi

6 August: Personal Branding: Architettura e Tik Tok - Architecture and Tik Tok - language: Italian
Speaker: Paolo Schianchi

The speaker in the first event will be Christiane Bürklein, who, drawing on her experience as a blogger and PR manager for photographers and her work on the PR team of the architectural studio MVRDV, one of the most active studios in international communications about architecture, will present a number of techniques and guidelines for augmenting your presence on the Web. Architect Paolo Schianchi, university professor and researcher in the field of visual marketing, will also participate. The meeting will offer a brief introduction about how the web has changed the way architectural practices communicate and how they are perceived, looking at conscientious use of images in communications and presenting a number of suggestions for attracting the attention of an international audience. The purpose of the event will be not only learning how to make yourself known, but managing to expand your presence on the web in a conscientious manner, including selection of the web publications and social networks best suited to your design methods.

The speaker in the second event, architect Paolo Schianchi, will introduce participants to Tik Tok. Created as a social network for teenagers, Tik Tok was the most frequently downloaded social network last year, with a growth rate in audience over 35 of 201%. No longer merely a “container for dance routines and lip synching”, the social network has become a new means of communication with growing interest among professional users. Based on use of dynamic images, Tik Tok is a valuable tool for illustrating people’s relationship with space, the very essence of architecture. The meeting will present the principles behind the platform, of use for making architecture videos, in order to use it as a vehicle for promotion of the discipline and of your own projects.

(Agnese Bifulco)

01_photo courtesy of Ken Schluchtmann Biennale Venezia 2018
02_photo courtesy of Gianluca Giordano Biennale Venezia 2016