
Dark Cities photo exhibition by Daniele Cametti Aspri

Paris, Rome,

Sport & Wellness, Bar, School, Cinemas, Gallery,

Exhibition, Event,

The first candlelit photography exhibition, Dark Cities by Daniele Cametti Aspri, curated by Auronda Scalera and Massimo Ciampa, was presented by Visiva at MIA Milan Art Fair 2015.

Dark Cities photo exhibition by Daniele Cametti Aspri

Visiva - La città dell’immagine” (“Visiva – image city”) is a cultural centre incorporating a number of cultural institutions in Rome, including three art galleries, a school of photography, film and graphics, artists’ studios, etc., twinned with other cultural centres in Italy and abroad. On the occasion of the MIA Milan Art Fair 2015, Visiva presented the first stage in Dark Cities, “Dark Cities: Paris”, an exhibition of the work of Daniele Cametti Aspri curated by Auronda Scalera e Massimo Ciampa.
Photographer Daniele Cametti Aspri explores the capitals of Europe in a “new light” in the Dark Cities project, an evolution of the photographer’s previous work. His early work was based on the search for very light hues in degraded settings, whereas Dark Cities seeks the beauty of the city in the dark.

Daniele Cametti Aspri’s goal is to reveal well-known and less well-known locations to the public, seen in a different way. The first stage features places in Paris which appear to be surrounded in a delicate game of shadows and darkness; for the next stages, the photographer is completing post-production of photographs of Rome and Barcelona. At MIA Fair Dark Cities gives back to viewers the sensations and emotions the photographer experienced, recreating the darkness he sought to capture his images of the city.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Images courtesy of Visiva, © Daniele Cametti Aspri

Evento FB: https://www.facebook.com/mostradarkcities