
Bucky bar: edifying encounters in Rotterdam

DUS Architects,

DUS Architects,


Sport & Wellness, Bar, Institutions,

Exhibition, Event,

A structure made entirely out of umbrellas has suddenly appeared in the centre of Rotterdam. The social power of the encounter, with a few additions by DUS Architects and NAi, has created a spontaneous event for sharing and entertainment.

Bucky bar: edifying encounters in Rotterdam

Architecture and social design have defeated the cold Dutch winter.

Bring a red umbrella”. This is what DUS Architects and NAi Studio for Unsolicited Architecture asked guests to do. When they reached the site, visitors put all their umbrellas together to create a spontaneous unlicensed construction, under which they danced and partied - until the police arrived! The event lasted from 10 pm to 2 am, for more than 300 people who didn’t mind the cold and the rain.

Bucky Bar is one of five initiatives DUS and Nai have held in Rotterdam recently. The name “Bucky” is a reference to Buckminster Fuller, the American inventor, architect, designer and philosopher who invented the geodetic dome.
Can the dome of an umbrella show us the way to a socially sustainable future?
The project demonstrates all the power of spontaneous encounters, improvisation and sociability.

Francesco Cibati
Clients: Studio for Unsolicited Architecture (SUA) / Netherlands Architecture Institute (Nai)
Studio: DUS Architects / Netherlands Architecture Institute
Event: Opening performance for the exhibition “Architecture of Consequence”.
Location: Rotterdam
Architects: Hans Vermeulen, Martine de Wit, Hedwig Heinsman, Rory Hyde and Anneke Abhelakh (SUA)