
TAB2015 Body Building Exhibition at the Museum of Architecture Tallinn

Carlo Ratti,

Estonia, USA, Australia, Singapore,


“Body Building” is the name of the main exhibition at the Tallinn Architecture Biennial 2015, organised by Sille Pihlak and Siim Tuksam.

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TAB2015 Body Building Exhibition at the Museum of Architecture Tallinn
“Body Building” is the name of the main exhibition at the Tallinn Architecture Biennial 2015, organised by Sille Pihlak and Siim Tuksam. It opened on 11th September 2015 at the Estonian Museum of Architecture in Tallin and presents experiments on the border line between architecture and hi-tech.

“Body Building” at the Estonian Museum of Architecture (Eesti Arhitektuurimuseum), with the curatorship of Sille Pihlak and Siim Tuksam, is the main exhibition at the Tallinn Architecture Biennial 2015. A showcase on the future of design or, to be more precise, on the interaction between architecture and progressive high technology such as robotics, 3D multilayer prints and real time data analysis continuously interacting with different disciplines like engineering or fashion. 

The exhibition is very spectacular, also owing to large architectural models and prototypes animating the 500 square metre exhibition hall on the first floor, which encourage visitors to reflect on the constructive and spatial aesthetics of intelligent, self-driven systems, perfectly in line with the TAB2015 theme: “Self-driven City”.

There are ten projects, some designed especially for “Body Building”: Atelier Bruno Juricic from Croatia/USA, Tom Wiscombe Architecture from USA, Kokkugia (Roland Snooks and Robert Stuart-Smith) from Australia, REX|Lab (Marjan Colletti and Kadri Tamre) from Austria/UK, ISSSStudio (Igor Siddiqui) from USA, Julia Körner from USA/Austria, City Form Lab (Andres Sevtsuk and Raul Kalvo) from Singapore/Estonia, nformations from Austria, Moritz Dörstelmann and Achim Menges from Germany. Carlo Ratti Associati, Italy, presents his model “Floating Pavilion”, created for the Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games, where the users' interaction with the architecture becomes the key factor of the planning idea.

Not only does the exhibition impress because of the visual impact it makes but also for the dialogue taking place between different disciplines, the practical application of high-technology and due to the fact that they are all creations produced by teamwork. Is interdisciplinary teamwork going to be the future of architecture?

Christiane Bürklein

Exhibition “Body Building” http://www.tab.ee/programme/main-exhibition
Curators: Sille Pihlak and Siim Tuksam
from 11th  September to 11th October
Eesti Arhitektuurimuseum Tallinn, Estonia http://www.arhitektuurimuuseum.ee/en/
Immagini: © Ardo Kaljuvee, courtesy of TAB2015