
SPACE WASTE LAB, Studio Roosegaarde

Daan Roosegaarde – Studio Roosegaarde,

Studio Roosegaarde,

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We are very familiar with the brilliant imagination of Dutch creative Dan Roosegaarde, whose projects we have been engaged in for some time.

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SPACE WASTE LAB, Studio Roosegaarde We are very familiar with the brilliant imagination of Dutch creative Dan Roosegaarde, whose projects we have been engaged in for some time. In recent days he has devoted himself to a performance on the theme of space garbage that is orbiting the earth.

Dutch artist and inventor, Daan Roosegaarde is back working on a new, large-scale project, for the first time collaborating with the European Space Agency (ESA) on: SPACE WASTE LAB
Right at this very moment, there are more than 29,000 objects larger than 10 centimetres floating around the earth. We are mainly talking about spent rocket stages and old satellites as well as their fragments. This rubbish - or space debris, space junk, space garbage, space waste, whatever you want to call it - can damage the satellites we are currently using with collisions that generate even more space waste and disturb our digital communications. And nobody really knows how to fix it. SPACE WASTE LAB explores ways of upcycling space waste into sustainable products. The SPACE WASTE LAB PERFORMANCE visualises this space waste orbiting above our heads in real time.
Because Dan Roosegaarde knows full well that by revealing certain issues through visual art, he can capture the attention of the general public. This is what he has done in the past with his amazing light installation called Waterlicht (link), which can now be seen at the Kunsthal in Rotterdam or with Icoon Afsluitsdijk (link) and his Smog-Free Tower in the Netherlands (link), China (link) and Poland (link) that investigates air pollution.
SPACE WASTE LAB is the living lab supported by the space experts from the European Space Agency (ESA), as well as students, visitors and the Studio Roosegaarde team.
Phase 1 started on 5 October and can be visited until 19 January 2019 at the Kunstlinie Almere Flevoland (KAF). A unique large outdoor SPACE WASTE LAB PERFORMANCE of LEDs and real-time tracking information to visualise the space waste floating above your head at an altitude of  200 to 20,000 kilometres. The specially designed software and camera technology developed in the last year is what makes the SPACE WASTE LAB PERFORMANCE work, in compliance with strict safety and aviation regulations. 
To make the most of the SPACE WASTE LAB PERFORMANCE experience, the surrounding environment is blacked out by switching off street lights and business signs. The indoor exhibition consists of a real piece of space waste accompanied by an education programme with space experts and amateurs in order to see space waste from a different perspective. More than 2000 high school students have already applied for this programme.
Phase 2 involves a multi-year programme to capture space waste and upcycle it into sustainable products. Here, remaining faithful to his vision and well aware that space waste is the smog of our universe, Daan Roosegaarde wonders, “Is it a problem or the ingredient for something new?

Christiane Bürklein

Project: Studio Roosegaarde with ESA and Kunstlinie Almere Flevoland (KAF)
Location: Almere, The Netherlands
from 5 October 2018 to 19 January 2019
Images: courtesy of Studio Roosegaarde
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