
Exhibition - California: Designing Freedom at the Design Museum in London

Luke Hayes,

London, Silicon Valley, Design Museum, London, UK,




From 24 May to 15 October 2017, London's Design Museum is running the exhibition called “California: Designing Freedom” that for the first time explores how the ideals of the 1960s counterculture have transformed into the high-tech culture of Silicon Valley.

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  3. Exhibition - California: Designing Freedom at the Design Museum in London

Exhibition - California: Designing Freedom at the Design Museum in London From 24 May to 15 October 2017, London's Design Museum is running the exhibition called “California: Designing Freedom” that for the first time explores how the ideals of the 1960s counterculture have transformed into the high-tech culture of Silicon Valley.

California. A name, a place, a dream. In our mind's eye, the word California conjures up San Francisco, Hollywood, Malibu Beach and, of course, Silicon Valley. Then there is “Designed in California”, the new “Made in Italy”, innovative, progressive, empowering products and pioneering ideas, think high-tech, think Apple, Google, Facebook, think big. 
So for the first time, an exhibition at the Design Museum in London is based completely on Californian design, exploring this world that didn't just stop at the famous architectural landmarks of the 1960s but takes up the thread to work out just how “Designed in California” came to be such a global phenomenon.
The compelling approach underscores the fact that California pioneered tools of personal liberation, from LSD to surfboards and iPhones. Visitors are given a wide overview of Californian creativity, bringing together political posters and portable devices as well as looking beyond hardware to explore how user-interface designers in the San Francisco Bay Area are shaping some of our most common daily experiences.
The exhibition titled “California. Designing Freedom” turns into a colourful, playful journey across a promised land that we all belong to, in some way or another. A must if you're in London this summer!

Christiane Bürklein

Exhibition - “California. Designing Freedom”
24 May to 15 October 2017
Design Museum, London
Images of the exhibition: Luke Hayes
Find out more:  http://designmuseum.org/exhibitions/california#sthash.SNPcnwUt.dpuf