
Infléxion / Turning Point exhibition at the Aedes Gallery in Berlin



The Infléxion / Turning Point exhibition at the Aedes Gallery in Berlin shows how architecture in Spain is currently going through a transformation.

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  3. Infléxion / Turning Point exhibition at the Aedes Gallery in Berlin

Infléxion / Turning Point exhibition at the Aedes Gallery in Berlin The Infléxion / Turning Point exhibition at the Aedes Gallery in Berlin shows how architecture in Spain is currently going through a transformation. It was organised by the Spanish Ministry for Development, with the architecture, building and planning department and Acción Cultural Española.

Contemporary Spanish architecture is at a crossroads and its transformation takes centre stage in the Infléxion / Turning Point exhibition that opened last Friday at the Aedes Gallery in Berlin.

A great opportunity to find out much more about this process of change, starting from the ideas of the 15 winners and 27 short-listed projects from the 12th Spanish Architecture and Urban Planning Biennale (XII BEAU) that explored transformation-related issues such as resilience, ecology and social values.

These are increasingly relevant themes, focusing on a concept of sustainability that is not just a slogan, but that is transposed into real alternative urban development strategies to revive cities and reuse and recycle existing structures and resources.
We have already shown you some interesting examples of this new trend in Spanish architecture (Josep Ferrando, Aguilera Guerrero, Anna and Eugeni Bach etc.) marked by the desire to explore new frontiers, and the projects showcased here are certainly no exception to those.

The exhibition design at the Aedes Gallery in Berlin is also out of the ordinary: architecture communication on the web (link book) is present in the exhibition space with an installation of images captured by Smartphones, CCTV and digital screens.

The Infléxion / Turning Point exhibition is open until 11 January 2015.

(Christiane Bürklein)

The Infléxion / Turning Point was organised by the Spanish Ministry for Development, with the architecture, building and planning department and Acción Cultural Española.
Exhibition: 6 December 2014 – 11 January 2015
Location: Aedes Architekturforum, Christinenstraße 18-19, 10119 Berlin
Opening Hours: Tue-Fri 11-18.30 , Sat-Sun 13-17


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