
Floornaturelive Finnish pavilion at the Architecture Biennale

Alvar Aalto, OOPEAA Office for Peripheral Architecture,

Gianluca Giordano,

Biennale di Venezia,

Venice Biennale,


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  3. Floornaturelive Finnish pavilion at the Architecture Biennale

Floornaturelive  Finnish pavilion at the Architecture Biennale
The pavilion of Finland, designed by Alvar Aalto in the Biennale grounds of the Giardini hosts the exhibition “Re-Creation”, which explores how the concept of architecture can be transformed from local conditions and traditions.

The curators of the pavilion of Finland Juulia Kauste, director of the Museum of Finnish Architecture, and Ole Bouman, Creative Director della Shenzhen BI-CITY Biennale of Urbanism/Architecture (UAAB), present a two-part installation called “Re-Creation”: one part designed by a Finnish master carpenter and his team and the other by a Chinese team. 

These two temporary installations - the Finnish one in timber and the Chinese one in bamboo – are connected by the pavilion designed by Alvar Aalto, where visitors can find information about the installations created by Anssi Lassila and OOPEAA.
Two different forms of expression, two different traditions, both connected by a common thread – the concept of the resilience of architecture. Resilience made even stronger when the architecture is connected to the local culture and territory, making continuous references to these even in the actual design elements.

So, “Re-Creation” becomes a virtuous example of Finnish modernity with its open, curious outlook on the world, in order to explore many influences with works inspired by local tradespersons and traditions, which are fundamental for an appreciable personal identity.

The exhibition is the result of this international dialogue tangibly shown and expressed here: the installation was created as an integral part of the Shenzhen BI-CITY Biennale of Urbanism/Architecture (UAAB) and was then adapted for the Venice Biennale.

Christiane Bürklein

FINLAND (Alvar Aalto pavilion)
Anssi Lassila, OOPEAA - Office for Peripheral Architecture
Commissioner/Curator: Juulia Kauste.
Locations: Padiglione ai Giardini      
14th International Architecture Exhibitions - Fundamentals
dates: 7 June - 23 november 2014
location: Venice (Italy)
Images: © Gianluca Giordano and © Tuomo Tammenpää, Courtesy of Museum of Finnish Architecture

OOPEAA Office for Peripheral Architecture
Shenzhen BI-CITY Biennale of UrbanismArchitecture (UABB)
Architecture Information Centre Finland