
FLASHBACK photography exhibition, Genoa

Gianluca Giordano,


Exhibition, Photography,

The Palazzo Ducale in Genoa is hosting an exhibition on 50 years of photography in Italy.

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FLASHBACK photography exhibition, Genoa The Palazzo Ducale in Genoa is hosting an exhibition on 50 years of photography in Italy. FLASHBACK narrates the evolution of Italian photography. A unique opportunity to explore the progress of what is now considered the universal medium for communicating.

50 years is a long time, and this is really driven home when you see that time in the form of a medium that is both artistic and communicative: photography.

Not just half a century of technological innovation, harbinger of changes in style, but truth be told, fifty years of time that doesn't appear to be linear or in chronological order. This is assisted by the set-up of the exhibition “FLASHBACK. Fotografia italiana, 1960-2016” curated by gallery owner Sabrina Raffaghello and by photography critic Roberto Mutti and now exhibiting in the Sottoporticato of Palazzo Ducale, Genoa. At the same time, this cultural hub in Liguria's main city is also hosting the exhibitions “Peggy Guggenheim. Art Addict” and “Visioni per Genova. Progetti di grandi architetti” (Visions for Genoa. Projects by great architects). 

And in actual fact, the photographs are not displayed in chronological order but are grouped together around their themes, so photographers from different periods are exhibited in the same area. As Sabrina Raffaghello explains: “We shortlisted our selection also on the basis of the space available, we attuned the study to relative unknowns who have been total innovators, whose quality of research, propriety of language and historical perspective are still taking place and who deserve to be taken out to the general public”.

One of the new talents, and standing alongside famous names like Gabriele Basilico, Oliviero Toscani, Franco Fontana and Elias Coland many others is architecture photographer Gianluca Giordano with an installation on Adriano Olivetti and his hometown of Ivrea. An example of applied webcreativity, where we can see the interdisciplinary elaboration of a historical theme from a contemporary slant, encouraging spontaneous interaction with visitors.

Christiane Bürklein

Exhibition FLASHBACK. Fotografia italiana, 1960-2016
curated by Sabrina Raffaghello and Roberto Mutti
from 15 July to 28 August 2016
Sottoporticato, Palazzo Ducale, Genoa
Images: see captions - Martina Bertoncini, Christiane Bürklein, Gianluca Giordano, Denise Sardo
Find out more: http://www.palazzoducale.genova.it/flashback/