
Hamburg, ReVision exhibition. Photography at the MKG

Amburgo, Germania, Essen,

Photography, Exhibition,

There's more to Hamburg than just music and architectures for visitors attending the opening of the Elbphilharmonie by Herzog & de Meuron.

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Hamburg, ReVision exhibition. Photography at the MKG There's more to Hamburg than just music and architectures for visitors attending the opening of the Elbphilharmonie by Herzog & de Meuron. At the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe (MKG -Arts and Crafts Museum) you can enjoy the exhibition called “ReVision. Photography at the MKG” - an overview of the museum's collection of photographs and new media.

If you're travelling to Hamburg to visit the Elbphilharmonie - the new landmark of the city of Hamburg designed by Herzog & de Meuron and one of the most debated and out there contemporary buildings in Germany - then here's another must-visit gem for photography buffs.
For the very first time, the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe (MKG -Arts and Crafts Museum) and the exhibition called  “ReVision. Photography at the MKG” is showing more than 200 exhibits from its collection of photographs and new media covering photography from its outset through to now. A really unique opportunity for people like us who love photography and appreciate the influence it has on the way we perceive and view the world: the MKG's collection of photographs, with about 75,000 exhibits hides some exclusive treasures, because as Germany's first museum, even back in the 19th century it focused on this new discipline.
So ReVision is the result of a review of the museum's holdings, and in some cases the photographs will be on display to the general public for the first time. It is divided into five sections: Portraits: photography as a likeness or staged vignette; Reportage: photography as printed image; Pictorialism: photography as the desire to create art; Reproduction: photography as a mere tool?; and  Abstraction: photographs as autonomous works of art.
The photographs are on a range of media including daguerreotypes, glass negatives, oil prints just to name a few of the techniques, helping visitors comprehend how changes in these media have influenced human communication  and the way we see and evaluate images and our world.

Christiane Bürklein

Exhibition: ReVision. Photography at the MKG
from 21 December 2016 to 17 April 2017
Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe (MKG -Arts and Crafts Museum), Hamburg, Germany
curated by Esther Ruelfs
Images: courtesy of MKG – see caption
Foto 1 - 3 - 6 Michaela Hille, MKG
Foto 2: Trevor Paglen, Untitled (Reaper Drone), 2010, C-Print, 121,9 x 152,4 cm, © Trevor Paglen
Foto 4: Otto Steinert, powerhouse of the Saarland, 1953, silvergelatine print, 49,6 x 59,4 cm, © Estate Otto Steinert, Museum Folkwang, Essen
Foto 6: Willy Zielke, light reflexes, 1927-1937, gelatin silver print, 49,9 x 37,8 cm, © MKG
Find out more: http://www.mkg-hamburg.de/