
Zaha Hadid Architects High Speed Station, Afragola, Naples

Zaha Hadid Architects,

Jacopo Splimbergo,


Stations, underground,


The new high speed railway station designed by Zaha Hadid Architects and recently opened in Afragola, just a few km from Naples, is known as the new gateway to Southern Italy.

Zaha Hadid Architects High Speed Station, Afragola, Naples

The 11th June saw the official opening of thenew high speed railway station designed by Zaha Hadid Architects in Afragola, just a few km from Naples. However, this is only the first phase of the project, which will be completed in 2022. The name “the new gateway to Southern Italy” that has been given to the station is due to the fact that it will soon become the nerve centre of South Italy’s rail network. It is an important link with the main southern ports for people and goods from Europe and Italy, as well as being a fundamental infrastructure for 15 million inhabitants, integrated in the local railway network and the Naples metro line.

“A bridge” between countries, cultures and people is the idea behind the project by Zaha Hadid Architects, which has designed this new urban landmark for the outskirts of Naples. The station is a bridge elevated above the platforms, allowing passengers to walk over and connecting the two sides of the railway line. The bridge is the main element in the design of the new station and it becomes the principle pathway as well as containing its functions. Inside there are spaces and service areas for arriving and departing passengers, with direct access to the train platforms below. On either end of the bridge, two large spaces welcome passengers with services and shops for the public.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Design Zaha Hadid Architects www.zaha-hadid.com
Location: Afragola, Naples, Italy

Images courtesy of Zaha Hadid Architects, photo by Jacopo Splimbergo